macromedia flashForum: Multimedia Topic: macromedia flash started by: lovdsl Posted by lovdsl on Sep. 23 2006,01:47
I have dsl 2.4 on a pendownloaded flash unpacked and opened then copy the two files to /usr/local/firefox/plugins opened firefox and typed about:plugins but they are not there and not functioning. what did I do wrong? I read a post about put them in dsl/home/mozila/plugs but no such directory also do I need additional files to view youtube... there is a java plugin but do I need to install jave thanks adding...Oh I see there is a java in the repository...29meg? almost as big as dsl..I use dsl on dialup so youtube likely will not work anyway...but would still like to solve for future adding again..ok went to delete and discovered /opt /firefox_plugins so moved the two files this correct? still no about:plugins info regarding them. do I need to install java to enable them? appreciate help as I do not want to download and install java for no good reason...thanks ........................ohwell Posted by Zucca on Sep. 23 2006,09:18
/usr/local/firefox/plugins is the directory I used to use...Put your there and then do
Remember to restart your FireFox. Posted by Zucca on Sep. 23 2006,11:14
![]() Guess what? Doesn't work with me either... I'll try to solve this.
Posted by Zucca on Sep. 23 2006,11:55
Ok. I give up.I chmoded that plugin to 755 and moved it to /opt/.firefox_plgins/. Didn't worked. Same result was with the /usr/local/firefox/plugins/ directory. I managed to install flash on my old DSL... Where do I go wrong? Posted by lovdsl on Sep. 24 2006,02:19
same,not sure, but thanks anyway
Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 24 2006,14:32
Have you tried installing the flash player with Firefox? It should install into /home/dsl/.mozilla/plugins. It doesn't matter that it doesn't already exist...directories that start out empty are just wasting space.
Posted by Zucca on Sep. 24 2006,16:00
Jeah. It just freezes after I have accepted the agreement. ;(
Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 24 2006,19:53
well then, I'd say try extracting the plugin into .mozilla/plugins, creating that directory if necessary. Since it's not a distro-specific binary, you could also copy it from another distro if you have it installed elsewhere.
Posted by lovdsl on Sep. 25 2006,00:41
Thanks mikshawI created the directory plugins in mozzila and copy the two files to it.....about:plugs now lists them and "you tube" shows vids.....but on dialup very choppy indeed.....thanks again Posted by Johnnie Price on Oct. 03 2006,00:31
Another workaround you could try is to simply add a symlink from wherever your flash files are located to /usr/local/firefox/plugins in the xinitrc file. I just did this as I couldn't get the plugins to work properly either, and now they work like a charm.