Sound issuesForum: Multimedia Topic: Sound issues started by: Nickj Posted by Nickj on Dec. 15 2006,22:26
I'm running on an old Toshiba Satellite Pro 440CDT, 133mhz processor, 32mb of ram. I get the error message ' Couldn't open audio' when i try to play an mp3 file in XMMS. There is no sound module beyond 'default' listed in the configurations section of the XMMS options. I've tried lspci -v and no sound card is listed, and i cannot find one in system stats either. There is an entry 'soundcore' in the modules tab of system stats, but i don't know if thats related.I would be grateful for any ideas people have that might help to fix this. Thanks Posted by mrs peanut on Dec. 17 2006,00:12
i'm using a toshiba 320cdt and had trouble with the sound.i dont know if you have the same yamaha opl3sa2 soundcard, but you could try; sudo modprobe opl3sa2 isapnp=0 multiple=0 io=0x370 mpu_io=0x330 mss_io=0x530 irq=7 dma=0 dma2=1 this only gives me sound with cds on xmms, not any system sounds or internet radio. but its a start! Posted by Nickj on Dec. 20 2006,17:06
Unfortunately that didn't really help, it just said 'can't locate module'. Is there any other way for me to identify which soundcard (or more likely inbuilt sound chip) i have?
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 20 2006,19:36
see System Statsor run lscpi -v Posted by Nickj on Dec. 21 2006,20:13
As the original post mentioned,
I now know that it is a built in sound chip rather than a dedicated card. Posted by rja on Dec. 22 2006,06:24 < > might have useful info. I'll have to reboot some time later before I can suggest some modprobe options that might work. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 22 2006,14:28
oops, my bad.but from rja's links it seems to be a irq conflict that you can resolve by setting it in the bios. You could also check dmesg for system messages. Posted by spock on Dec. 23 2006,03:17
Not sure if this will help but did you read this thread (until the end) ?<;st=0 > Posted by blobandit on Feb. 08 2007,08:40
Howdy all,Been lurking a long time, and thanks to all of you I've gotten my Toshiba Satellite 315CDS up and running DSL. I've found something interesting about the sound card setup instructions using modprobe. This thread recommends the following line: #modprobe opl3sa2 isapnp=0 multiple=0 io=0x370 mpu_io=0x330 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1 I have also found this setup line on this board, and found that it works on my machine, too: #modprobe opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 Now, I am a complete and total noob, and don't know the differences between these two lines, but they both work on my machine. Thought that maybe this would help someone else get sound out of their box. Posted by curaga on Feb. 08 2007,10:42
To every toshiba laptop owner: EVERY spec of those can be found here ![]() < > and to Nickj, toshiba 440cdt has an opl3-sa3 integrated chip... It supports sbpro, so you might want to try that.... Posted by tattyfurby on Feb. 18 2007,13:49
I am running DSL on an old toshiba 230cx laptop and need helpas i cannot get the sound to work so i can play music cd's. will be very pleased if someone can help me fix this problem. have tried the modprobe solution but did not work. Posted by tattyfurby on Feb. 18 2007,23:26
Blow me down...I got it working... Here is a tip for people with old toshiba laptops.. type in sudo modprobe sb Worked for me..:p Posted by damianiw on Mar. 31 2007,23:14
Brilliant, this also worked on an old Fujitsu Lifebook 765tx (166 mmx) I was given, will see if my noob skills allow me to add this to the opt/bootlocal :-) thanks so much This now makes a neat net radio ! |