frugal ALSAForum: Multimedia Topic: frugal ALSA started by: libretto Posted by libretto on Feb. 06 2005,13:01
Hello,After trying gphone with SaidinUnleashed and comments form Ke4nt1, I finally today got the ALSAdebs.dsl installed. The mic now appears to work properly with it being picked up by software (eg soundmodemconfig). As I'm running a frugal install, what files/directories do I need to add to my filetools.list to keep the ALSA stuff? Then I can use my laptop for playing ham radio ![]() Libretto Posted by ke4nt1 on Feb. 07 2005,01:15
Likewise, I was able to use the windows version of the echolink software,under wine, in DSL. The microphone response is good and the software, while a little buggy, works well for making contacts around the world. Alsa was the key to it's success as well.. 73 ke4nt Posted by muellerr1 on April 28 2005,14:37
Back to the question at hand, how do you keep an alsa install? Or do you just have to load dpkg, gnu-utils, and alsadebs every single time?
Posted by ke4nt1 on April 28 2005,15:56
The dsl-dpkg.dsl and the gnu-utils.dsl can be placed in the mydsl=hdXx root, or the root dir of where the frugal install is, for them to autoload at boottime.. As for the alsadebs.dsl package, it too can be loaded the same way, but I'd add the install command to the file to execute it at boottime as well, rather than try to backup every file included in the extension into your backup. Remember to add the 'alsa' command , and possibly the mydsl=hdXx command, to your lilo.conf , and rerun lilo.. If you want to try to make your own loadable custom extension, search the forums for keywords ' marker AND list ' to get details on howto extract it's install to your system, and make it an extension you can use like any other.. 73 ke4nt Posted by muellerr1 on May 09 2005,21:26
Just so I know what to do before I go off on a wild goose chase: I should do a complete file list without the alsadebs.dsl installed, then install alsa and make another file list, then diff the output of the two lists, and make a new dsl composed of the new files? Then have my new dsl load at boot time, and alsa will magically work without going through the whole gnu-utils/dpkg/alsadebs rigamarole? Won't I have to insert some kernel modules or something?Sorry to appear dense, but this would be my first dsl. If this is possible, how come it wasn't done this way in the first place? If it's not possible, should I just remaster my frugal install on the USB key once I have alsa working? |