K3BForum: Multimedia Topic: K3B started by: badgerman Posted by badgerman on Mar. 13 2005,16:24
Hello.I'm using DSL as a Live CD,and i want to burn some music. I want to install K3B,but it dont work (I have PII 333 192MB SD-RAM, and 765 MB HDD - 700hda1 for img & 65hda2 extra for swap). What I must have for proper working? Where I can it find? Please mail me! badgerman@o2.pl Sorry for my English & thanks Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 14 2005,00:57
As an addition to my last response:Please don't waste dsl bandwidth by posting the same question in multiple threads. it's pointless and will result only in people getting annoyed. Posted by Rapidweather on Mar. 14 2005,02:23
Knoppix 3.7 has K3B already built-in. I've used it, and it works very well. On machines that have 1 GB of ram, however, one must not do the "toram" knoppix cheatcode or Knoppix will not be able to run K3B for long, unless a nice swap file is set up somewhere. DSL, with it's small size, easily does the "toram" cheatcode, even on a box with 192 MB of ram, like yours. The swap partitions are the way to go for users of KDE applications on Knoppix. Sorry I have not used the cd-recording software in DSL, perhaps someone can get in here with some info on what is needed to use it, etc. K3B is so easy to use, but beware of the Trumpets at the end of the burn. Quite a suprise if your sound card is working. ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Mar. 14 2005,12:29
When running k3b on my system, I see ram usage shooting way up.Best guess is to setup a large swap to handle spikes in ram usage. On another note, there is now a gtoaster extension in the repository that works well using MUCH less ram, as well as gcombust, another cd burning software that is very lean. I recently started playing with a copy of NeroLINUX, which is also very ram-friendly. It requires no KDE , and runs in DSL without requiring installing gtk2 , a refreshing change.. Just some other options to try instead of the FAT K3B app. ![]() 73 ke4nt |