Sound ymfpci driver

Forum: Multimedia
Topic: Sound ymfpci driver
started by: dslNewb

Posted by dslNewb on May 10 2005,17:50
I don't get any sound from the live cd or hd install dsl 1.0.1.
It reports finding my yamaha sound card and will be using ymfpci I believe, but no joy.

XMMS happily streams along with a visual display, but I have no audio.

How should I proceed to get sound working?

I looked in synaptic to see if I could find a sound configurator, and didn't know if I already had one (esound I believe) or if I should try alsa-something (seen on an existing post) or sndconfig or somesuch.  Anyway, synaptic would freeze (probably due to my ram starved pc -- 233MHz 32MB).

This section should probably be moved to Networking or apps:
Firefox takes forever to load in hd install, but loads.  It doesn't load in liveCD although "forever" may be even longer with 32MB ram for liveCD.  Once loaded, neither Firefox nor Dillo render hotmail or yahoo mail correctly.  Thoughts?  Yes, I'm looking for more ram.

Posted by andrewphoto on June 26 2005,02:12
My sound card is a Yamaha YMF754B-R (Toshiba website specs,) in a Toshiba Satellite. I keyworded google & found the card often referred to as just, 754. I trawled the www using the words; satellite, 754, ymfpci, debian. All the best.
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