sound card not detected?Forum: Multimedia Topic: sound card not detected? started by: fluxboxrox Posted by fluxboxrox on July 05 2005,22:35
i have an Omnibook 5700CT. With Damn small Linux and i have no sound. Is there something i can do to detect the card or configure it? thanx
Posted by tempestuous on July 06 2005,13:41
With an older audio chip, you will need to manually load its driver, and probably specify its resource settings (these are sometimes listed in BIOS).Help us to help you. We need the brand and model of your audio chipset. This information is often difficult to find on the web ... I just tried now, and amongst the vague information available the strongest possibility is that you have a Crystal chip. If so, we still need the model. There's a driver for the cs42xx series, a driver for the cs46xx series, and there are 2 models, the cs4231 and cs4248, which use a different driver altogether. Posted by fluxboxrox on July 06 2005,20:43
Posted by coze on July 17 2005,13:14
hello, my laptop also do not detect the sound card. it`s a yamaha oplsa3. i can do modprobe oplsa . what should i do next ?
Posted by tempestuous on July 18 2005,10:08
coze,Your OSS driver might be opl3sa or opl3sa2, you need to identify the correct version of your Yamaha chipset. According to the 2.4.26 kernel source documentation - OPL3-SA (YMF701) modprobe opl3sa io=0x530 irq=11 dma=0 dma2=1 mpu_io=0x330 mpu_irq=5 OPL3-SA2 (YMF711) and OPL3-SA3 (YMF715) and OPL3-SA4 (YMF719) modprobe opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1 modprobe opl3 io=0x388 ... but this person - <;t=3056 > reported dma=1 dma2=0 Posted by gbuscrizist on July 19 2005,04:12
im having trouble with my sound too, its integrated and the laptop is a dell latitude cp, 233mhz cpu 32mb of ram nad a 2 gig hdd, i am not sure what type of chip it is...
Posted by ke4nt1 on July 19 2005,05:59
Looking at this list, we'll need more from you than ' Dell latitude cp ' if we're to help you with your sound chip. This list shows about a dozen.. < > The M233XT looks like a candidate, might do a google search on that one for starters.. 73 ke4nt Posted by tempestuous on July 19 2005,06:12
According to Dell's specs on CP and CPi models - < > you have the Crystal (Cirrus Logic) 4237B. The conventional way of loading its driver is -modprobe cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 (check your hardware settings, of course) but several people have reported problems with this sound chip, in which case the various modules need to be loaded in a particular order, as such - modprobe sound insmod ad1848 insmod uart401 insmod cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 insmod opl3 io=0x388 And in some cases these modules may have automatically loaded at bootup ... but with wrong settings, so they need to be unloaded first, with "rmmod xxx" Posted by gbuscrizist on July 19 2005,07:27
ok at boot up before lilo starts it says dell latitude cp m233st, so that is my model i believe and tempest thanks for the help, but no dice Posted by tempestuous on July 21 2005,14:22
gbuscrizistkopsis made some good points about BIOS setup here - <;st=0 > In general, BIOS should be set to "PnP OS = NO" for all Linux distributions. And ironically, Windows sometimes configures its hardware better with this, too. Posted by gbuscrizist on July 22 2005,00:26
wow i got it, i was just missing 1 part of the command in inserting the sound, i didnt input dma=1
Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 23 2005,04:05
when i use the oss driver, i can play audio for about a minute. then my laptop freezes. it seems to be a known issue with the thinkpad i1411's audio device. i have to use the alsa drivers, but i can't seem to install them. i was wondering if you would know why. i download the alsa package through the mydsl extension panel, but once i install it, i can't play audio and an error message pops up. i believe its because i have to 'modprobe snd-opl3sa2' right? it says it can't find it. then i go ahead and try to download the alsa package from the main website. i get alsa-driver-1.0.9rc4.tar.bz2, alsa-libs-1.0.9rc4.tar.bz2, and alsa-utils-1.0.9rc4.tar.bz2. i extracted them, use ./configure, make, and make install on the driver and libs packages (there's some kind of libncurses package error when i try to ./configure the utils package, but i'm not sure if that's important to get the driver running, so i had to skip this package). so once that's done i try to 'modprobe snd-opl3sa2' again and it still says it can't find it. i've added the alias information to /etc/modules.conf.old and i've run the ./snddevices script from the driver package. Posted by cbagger01 on July 24 2005,03:22
Do this.boot up with command to avoid loading of the oss soundsystem: dsl alsa Then download/install dpkg-dsl.dsl from the mydsl site. Then download/install gnu-utils.dsl from the mydsl site. Then download/install the latest alsadebs.dsl from the mydsl site. Then choose INSTALL ALSA from the myDSL menu Then try and play some sounds. If it doesn't work, open up an xterminal and type: sudo su alsaconf and see if you can manually configure your soundcard. Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 24 2005,05:33
where do i put the command dsl alsa?
Posted by cbagger01 on July 24 2005,16:50
If you are running livecd or usb pendrive, you type it in at the "boot:" prompt when you first turn on your computer.If you are using a hd install or frugal install, you have a bootloader like lilo or grub and should add the "alsa" command to your "append" line and then re-run the bootloader command to activate your changes. Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 24 2005,17:55
ok it didn't work. the card i have is of course an isa card. i was told that i had to manually add like the irq and dma1 or something? do i have to do any steps with it being isa?also, where is the alsaconf located? i can't search with locate because it gives me some kind of error that mentions the database being older than 8 days.. Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 24 2005,20:19
ok i just reformatted and reinstalled DSL. i followed your steps, but it didn't work. i tried typing alsaconf at BASH, but it said file or directory not found.
Posted by cbagger01 on July 25 2005,03:10
OK,Sorry about the red herring. The knoppix-alsa package that gets installed does not include the standard alsa alsaconf script. However, it is still possible to manually launch a specific alsa driver. The alsa driver filenames are located in /lib/modules/extra/alsa and the driver names are the words that appear after the "snd-" prefix, but before the ".o" suffix. So for example, the soundblaster 16 driver filename is snd-sb16.o and the driver name is "sb16". Now that you know the name of the driver, you can specify it on the boot line like this: dsl alsa=sb16 where you replace the "sb16" part with the name of your driver. Or you can do it after the fact by opening an xterminal window and type: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-autoconfig sb16 where you replace the "sb16" with the name of your driver. Good Luck. Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 25 2005,07:11
ok i decided to do the second one and i typed "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-autoconfig opl3sa2" since i have opl3sa2 as the name of the driver. it didn't give any error message. i tried to play audio. it still gave me the error pop-up and asked to "Please check blaa blah blah". i ran lsmod, but i don't think i saw my driver there. =\ i installed alsaconfig (from the alsa website, 0.4.3b) and tried to run it. at the end of the configuration, it said, Loading driver: ./alsaconf: line 880: start: command not found Setting the PCM volume to 100% and the Master output volume to 50% ./alsaconf: line 882: amixer: command not found Could not initialize the mixer, the card was probably not detected correctly. still didn't play. :*( Posted by tempestuous on July 25 2005,07:47
The ALSA driver for your chip is "snd-opl3sa2", not "opl3sa2".When you boot with "dsl alsa=snd-opl3sa2" the ALSA driver will attempt to load, but possibly with the wrong settings. This is typical with ISA-based chips. The various configuration utilities are giving you trouble, so I suggest you set things up manually. Once DSL is fully booted, you can probably reload your driver as such - modprobe snd-opl3sa2 isapnp=0 port=0x370 sb_port=0x220 wss_port=0x530 fm_port=0x388 midi_port=0x330 irq=5 dma1=0 dma2=1 If you get various error messages about the driver being loaded already, you could try to unload the driver first - rmmod snd-opl3sa2 If you can successfully launch alsamixer it means things are working, but you may have to unmute the master volume before you can hear anything. If this works, add these settings to your /etc/modules.conf file to set things up at each boot. Add this text - alias snd-card-0 snd-opl3sa2 alias sound-slot-0 snd-opl3sa2 options snd-opl3sa2 isapnp=0 port=0x370 sb_port=0x220 wss_port=0x530 fm_port=0x388 midi_port=0x330 irq=5 dma1=0 dma2=1 Posted by tempestuous on July 25 2005,11:01
Oops, correction.Boot with "dsl alsa=opl3sa2" because the bootup script appends the "snd-". Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 25 2005,17:49
ok i added "alsa=opl3sa2" to the append part of lilo.confi tried the command you wrote "modprobe snd-opl3sa2 isapnp=0 port=0x370 sb_port=0x220 wss_port=0x530 fm_port=0x388 midi_port=0x330 irq=5 dma1=0 dma2=1", but then it said, /lib/modules/extra/alsa/snd-opl3sa2.o: init_module: No such device Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters. You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg /lib/modules/extra/alsa/snd-opl3sa2.o: insmod /lib/modules/extra/alsa/snd-opl3sa2.o failed /lib/modules/extra/alsa/snd-opl3sa2.o: insmod snd-opl3sa2 failed i tried the rmmod snd-opl3sa2 before that and it said it wasn't loaded. edit: but i really think this is the last step. just getting the right settings. i tried with isapnp=1 and it didnt work, and with dma1=1 and dma2=0 and it froze. i'm so close. ![]() Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 27 2005,22:49
i started the dsl vga=788 alsa=opl3sa2 fb800x600 and the sound card said it was using alsa(opl3sa2) as the driver with the livecd. however, when i put that at the append place at lilo.conf it still says ad1848 inside the hard drive install.
Posted by tempestuous on July 28 2005,03:23
ad1848 is a "sub-module" (it's a hardware codec) used by the OSS opl3sa2 sound driver.I suspect you have not updated your new lilo configuration. Run "lilo" without the quotation marks, then reboot. Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 28 2005,06:59
ty! you were correct, i didn't run that command. ![]() so i did that and it starts up detecting the alsa driver. then i could actually play sound, although after about a minute it freezes. i couldn't rmmod or mobprobe -r snd-opl3sa2 though. it said it was busy. so i just added the options to the modules.conf (the ones that were listed on the last page), but it froze after like two seconds. afaik, those should be the right settings. i'll try playing around with the settings a bit more and perhaps it'll work. you know of anything else i can do? Posted by tempestuous on July 28 2005,11:33
1. Try the boot option "acpi=off". This can solve a multitude of problems. Check your Thinkpad's specifications to see if its bios is ACPI-aware (and don't confuse ACPI with APM). If it's not ACPI-aware, this boot option should be considered essential.2. Check your bios to see if "PnP OS = NO". This is important for all Linux distributions. 3. Check your bios to see if the sound card's settings are listed. Also check that these settings are not set for something unconventional - like SB emulation, or MSS/WSS mode. Still no success? Now you're in the realm of experimentation. Remove the card's entries in /etc/modules.conf, then reboot and specify just the basic module options - modprobe snd-opl3sa2 isapnp=0 port=0x370 irq=5 dma1=0 dma2=1 ... or ...try just one module option at a time, hoping to isolate the one which causes the system to freeze. Posted by SleepWalkerX on July 29 2005,20:13
OMFG I got it working!!! Thanks for all your help!!! To any others out there who have a thinkpad i1411. I put the info from the last post on the fourth page: options snd-opl3sa2 isapnp=0 port=0x370 sb_port=0x220 wss_port=0x530 fm_port=0x388 midi_port=0x330 irq=5 dma1=1 dma2=1 (i made the dma1=1 and took out the two alias commands) I put this info in a file called aliases in /etc/modutils. (when i put it in modules.conf it wouldn't save cause update-modules would overwrite it) w00t, now to work on the wireless card. thanks again. ![]() Posted by TrigunBallZ on Aug. 23 2005,18:39
I have the same exact laptop as gbucrizist; Latitude CP m233st. I typed the same exact lines that got his sound card working, but got nothing. (modprobe sound insmod ad1848 insmod uart401 insmod cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 insmod opl3 io=0x388) I also went into the BIOS to disable any PnP, but couldn't find any settings that sounded related. If anyone can think of anything. Your help would be much appreciated. |