Audio/Video out of syncForum: Multimedia Topic: Audio/Video out of sync started by: Tectron1 Posted by Tectron1 on Aug. 27 2005,01:39
I just managed to get the xfree86.dsl extension working with the proper neomagic config file snatched from knoppix 3.3. ALL RIGHT, FINALY, YAHOO!!! But wait... when I play an mpg video file the music finishes waaayy before the video ends. Ive tried a couple of differant files and its the same thing. Ive tried starting them with the xfree86mplayer and also just starting them from xmms. and its the same problem, except mplayer has the additional problem of the sound being a little garbly. Any suggestions?? Thanks Posted by adraker on Aug. 27 2005,02:43
Just using the audio filters as in < this thread. >Its worth getting the documentation from the player site and storing it. Or Google for the manpage. Also, whats your cpu usage doing? Your system may just not be able to keep up with the frame rate and size of the frames.... like, you're not going to get 768x576 on a 200 meg machine. Framedrop switch is needed for older/slower machines. Posted by Tectron1 on Aug. 27 2005,19:25
I tried the framedrop switch and helped things quite a bit once things got moving. Thanks!It seems to do it just as bad in the lower res as it does in the larger. The cpu useage jumped between 85 and 100% with firefox open sitting idle. Since its a 233mmx laptop im not expecting miracles, just to basically have the same results i get in winblows. Since most of the other programs are faster than winblows I just tried typing mplayer -afm ffmpeg in the shell and got bash:mplayer:command not found. Do i need to download something? Posted by adraker on Aug. 27 2005,19:47
No, the mplayer executable is at /opt/mplayer/mplayer,so you type in /opt/mplayer/mplayer -framedrop -afm ffmpeg /mnt/hdx/movie.mpg or where ever your mpeg movie is. There are sooo many switches you can play with... ![]() |