USB network adaptors

Forum: Networking
Topic: USB network adaptors
started by: The Last Troubadour

Posted by The Last Troubadour on Jan. 08 2006,15:21
Could anyone please direct me to a list of USB network adaptors that work with DSL?


Posted by The Last Troubadour on Jan. 11 2006,19:48
DSL was made by someone(s) somewhow, and that someone(s) certainly build a driver database for a list of devices. How can I have this list of devices (I am looking for the DSL supported USB ethernet adaptors) I really like DSL, and Linux in general, but why everything must be so complicated? couldn't there be a list of plug and play hardware, so we know which ones work? That would benefit everybody and reduce the hassle by half.

When so much was done to get such a good OS as DSL, why not publish a list of the devices? It had to be done to build the OS anyway, I just dont get it, could someone please explain that to me?  ???

Posted by doobit on Jan. 11 2006,21:32
try here:

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