Dsl As a HOME SERVER??Forum: Networking Topic: Dsl As a HOME SERVER?? started by: DC- Posted by DC- on Jan. 09 2006,20:44
Hi all!!first of all.... DSl rocks! anyways.. My question is Is it possible to set up DSl as a Home file and web server?? i mean it is smaller than other linux 'es out there i assume. So it should be great as a server. IF yes could some 1 plz tell me how to??.. ![]() thx in advance DC Posted by green on Jan. 10 2006,03:59
Did you check out the Monkey http daemon that comes with DSL ?Some forums searches on Monkey might end up with some results to your liking. Posted by DC- on Jan. 11 2006,23:55
thx for the reply greenI got one more question ![]() Can you use monkey as an File Server as well?? prob. a noobie quest. o well Basically i want a file server and a webserver on a 400MHZ P2 128Mb I want DSl to run on it and i want the files, internet for 2 Win Xp machines. I guess apache will be great for this... However just in case you guys have an better option i would like to know. Thanks in advance Dc Posted by newOldUser on Jan. 12 2006,11:46
Don't sell the monkey web server that comes with DSL short. Give it a try before you go with apache. You can use BetaFTP to do some file sharing but you may want to look into adding Samba from myDSL. Samba is very good for sharing files with Windows boxes. While you're at it make it an mp3 server with the EDNA module from myDSL. With a little tinkering you could modify the EDNA music server script to also be a document server (.txt, .doc, .pdf type files). I've used similar equipment and it worked. It's all a matter of how fast is fast enough. For home use it should be fine. Search the forums and you'll find lots of current examples. A while back I wrote up some blogs on how to install EDNA and Samba (on older versions of DSL). If you can't find anything by searching the forum take a look at my posts in the Blog/Talk section. Good luck... Let us know how it turns out. Posted by clivesay on Jan. 12 2006,13:57
What an interesting idea! I had never thought about using Edna for docs and such. I'll have to play with that. I liked Edna for mp3's except it didn't have any search features. Maybe I need to check the project page and see of they've updated. Thanks for the tip! Chris Posted by newOldUser on Jan. 13 2006,11:40
I've added some of the "upgrades" from the Edna project page (sourcefoge?) and then made some changes of my own to do document serving. I've run it with my mods for several weeks now and I've been meaning to package it as a new dsl file or at least write it up as a blog entry. I'll probably have some time this weekend to do a blog entry and list the changes for others to look at and test.
Posted by clivesay on Jan. 13 2006,15:16
this would be very interesting. I would like to play with it. Could even add filetypes to FF to handle everything.
Posted by newOldUser on Jan. 15 2006,13:05
I'm going to be really off-topic if I start talking about EDNA updates here so I think I'll continue this discussion in the MyDSL Extentions/Apps area. < Link to new posting > Posted by DC- on Jan. 15 2006,15:29
hithanks all for replying I will give dsl and edna a go after my exams are done ![]() Besides it seems like the powersupply some how got fried... ![]() Probally cause i was buildin a custom case for the server and had to modify the power supply a "bit" hehe anyways thanks again guys i will give a update soon Dc- Posted by DC- on Jan. 19 2006,01:52
hipowersupply is back on.. I would like to mention that if some one would like to configure/run the server from a remote machine such as an windows machine, they could install a vnc server on the linux server and an vnc viewer on the windows machine. this is particlulary helpfull if you want to hide the server away somewhere and dont want to attach an other screen. peaple probally already know this but owell ![]() havent tried it out yet but found a link < linux from windows > will try it in about a week time or so Dc- |