DSL 2.2 'Broke' forcedeth Module Support?!Forum: Networking Topic: DSL 2.2 'Broke' forcedeth Module Support?! started by: b1cq7 Posted by b1cq7 on Feb. 12 2006,17:52
I have a PC with a nforce2 based motherboard. After booting Damn Small Linux (DSL) 2.2 I note the my network is not activated. After doing a lsmod I noticed that forcedeth was not loaded. When using other 2.4.x kernel versions of Linux (i.e. MEPIS 3.3.1 which is based upon kernel 2.4.29) I have the same problem of the forcedeth module not automatically loading. However with MEPIS 3.3.1 if I then issue the command "insmod forcedeth" the module loads fine and my eth0 port is then active. When attempting this same command with DSL 2.2 I receive the following error:"using /lib/modukes/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/net/forcedeth.o /lib/modules/2.4.6/kernel/drivers/net/forcedeth.o:init_module: no such device" Is there an issue with certain versions of the 2.4 kernel and the forcedeth module? DSL and it's size (50mb) is something I'd really like to take benefit of but this issue with forcedeth has me scratching my head. BTW I noitced that DSL's last release 2.1 was based upon the kernel 2.4.31 and forcedeth is loaded automatically and works just fine! Is there a different version of forcedeth that needs to be used with DSL 2.2? Thanks for any assistance offered |