Modem Help

Forum: Networking
Topic: Modem Help
started by: TSK

Posted by TSK on Feb. 13 2006,04:26
How do i set up a dialup connection with DSL?
Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 26 2006,08:23
Pfft...I recently switched from Windows, and I'm having problems too.

I checked everything out in Windows and put it into linux. IP (Pinged it): (correct)
Tel:12064241111 (correct)
Com port 2 (correct, I'm sure of it)
I choose PAP (?? It says PPP in Dial up connections. Related?)
Should I choose standard or dynamic or none?

I get an input output error. I've looked through the boards my modem is Conexant HCF V90 56K RATD Speakerphone PCI modem
I don't know if it is a 'fake' modem or not, one of the links is broke for their post.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Posted by lovdsl on Aug. 29 2006,21:13
go to system, net setup, dialup ppp and configure a dial up connection.This is detailed on the dillo start page also available as help in control panel.....winmodems ( software based) and linux do not always work so for best results I suggest an external serial modem...I am useing a us robotics 56k external serial with NO issues...I have had good success also with  internal isa hardware based modems...mine have rockwell chipsets....have not yet found a hardware based pci card...nor attempted wireless...hope that helps
Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 29 2006,23:48
I'm "new" to Linux (even though I've been working on the very same issue for the past week without stop). I suggest you should check what type of modem you have, and then you can go to Linmodems to for information, or Goggle, LINUX compatible modems, like I did.

I sincerely hope you don't have the same conexant chipset as me! LoL.

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