LAN speed

Forum: Networking
Topic: LAN speed
started by: numknuf

Posted by numknuf on June 05 2004,11:48
I have a Athlon 900mhz with 256 ram running dsl0.7 and samba. Copying over the network is very slow, using both samba and sftp over ssh. All networks card and the switch runs at 100 mbps. This gives a maximum of 12.5 mbytes per second but it is copying at lower than 2mbytes/s.

Another slower machine copies much faster.

Is there some reason for this? Is there something I can tweak?

Posted by roberts on June 08 2004,04:50
Is this an internal network copy? Usually slow lan traffic is due to DNS resolving/reverse resolving issues. Might look at /etc/resolv.conf  If this is internal only then clear this out or setup your machines so that DSN will function, which usually means adding their IP address to /etc/hosts on both sides.
Posted by numknuf on June 08 2004,07:03
the resolv.conf file has one line search(null) and two IP adresses that is the DNS of my ISP.

I added the macine name and IP adress to the hosts file of the slow copying machine but it didn't help.

Is there somway to diagnose where the bandwith is going?

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