vpn routing

Forum: Networking
Topic: vpn routing
started by: mannis

Posted by mannis on Aug. 13 2004,12:10

I want to connect to internet through LAN through VPN.
but to run VPN it requires PPTP or whatever. can one install
rpms in DSlinux?. is it possible to connect to vpn using any other means?. the DSlinux has detected the ethernet card atleast the lan works.

another problem i have is im not able to access files in my harddrive. im able to see hda1 in mount but not the files in

thank you for your help.


Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 13 2004,16:18
DSL does not natively use RPMs for installs.  It is based on Knoppix, which is based on the Debian distribution (DEB packages instead of RPMs).

However, you can use some RPMS with a little bit of extra effort, using a program called "alien" to convert an RPM file into a DEB file.

You can either use apt-get or Synaptic to install alien and the use alien to convert the RPM to a DEB.  Then install the *.deb file using the "dpkg -i filename.deb" command from the root user xterminal.  Search the DSL forums for more information on dpkg, apt-get and Synaptic.

Also, knoppix comes with alien already installed, so you could boot up knoppix and use the built-in "alien" to convert the file and then save it to disk.  Then reboot into DSL and use dpkg-restore (or Enable Apt) & "dpkg -i filename.deb" command to install your converted RPM package.

Good Luck.

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