2.3 Networking Problems

Forum: Networking
Topic: 2.3 Networking Problems
started by: cmanb

Posted by cmanb on Mar. 31 2006,20:33
I downloaded 2.3 this morning, burned the ISO to a cd, and then Drag N Dropped the KNOPPIX/knoppix file from the cd to my flash drive, which had been running 2.2b.

It looks nice and everything is fine, but suddenly the internet Just Doesn't Work, whereas before it consistantly Just Worked.

It's embedded, and I'm accessing the internet fine on the host (Windows XP).

I went into system->Control Panel, turned in DHCP, tried everything in there: Prism2, WLanconfig, etc, etc.  Nothing but an immediate (and frustrating) Connection failed!

I'm not really sure what to make of this.  Could it be a side effect of not using the cd to do a full, new, clean "Install to pendrive"?  I know that QEMU was upgraded and that I chose to ignore that.  Is that what's screwing me up here?




Tried it on a computer at work that has a T1 connection.  Used the 2.3 cd to boot from the 2.3 embedded with a "dsl toram fromhd=/dev/sda1 qemu frugal" cheatcode.  Worked like a charm.  I was able to access the web, install extensions, the whoe nine yards.

Back at home again, it still doesn't work.  On my Toshiba Satellite, it won't even boot from the cd.  At all.  It will display the splash screen and I'll enter a 'cheatcode' and then nothing.  Blank screen forever.

Booting from within Windows, though, via qemu, it loads up, but cannot recognize the wireless network.

I'm about to whip out my old HP laptop and tinker with it to see if it's the network or my laptop.

I'm also going ahead and downloading the 2.3-embedded.zip file so I have the newer version of qemu as well.



Finished downloading 2.3-embedded.zip, and started replacing files.  Replaced all the qemu files and the dsl-windows.bat.

Now it's workin' fine.

What was the change?  Was it qemu?  Was it the batch file?

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