how to access stuff served by monkey from

Forum: Networking
Topic: how to access stuff served by monkey from
started by: ico2

Posted by ico2 on Aug. 15 2004,19:06
ok, my linux machine is running monkey and i can access the stuff being served by going < http://localhost, > but i want to connect from my (well techically borrowed) xp (not my choice of os) laptop, network card is detected and have run netcardconfig. cannot ping between 2 machines so i need help to troubleshoot that first, can anyone help?


Posted by roberts on Aug. 16 2004,18:28
To answer the topic of this thread is simple:
http://   followed by the th IP number of your monkey web server machine. If you wanted to use a name you would have to add the name and IP to the /etc/hosts file or setup DNS server somewhere, or put the machine on the internet where the name is served by your ISP and possibly use NAT to get your moneky web server.

But the real question is, you can't ping you can't sing.
How are these two computer connected? A router, a hub, a single ethernet cable?

Posted by dukkieduk on Aug. 17 2004,20:00
Could be that your xp is running a firewall...
a great test is downloading putty.exe ( search google) on you xp, type ifconfig eth0 ( to check out your ip on your running dsl), start ssh deamon on your dsl, and put the ip in your xp running putty.exe. normally a window should pupop about a key, if this happens, then you are sure that your network works...
then start you browser on xp and type:
< http://your_ip >

have fun !!


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