Network card not detectedForum: Networking Topic: Network card not detected started by: Randy_84dger Posted by Randy_84dger on May 07 2006,14:56
'lo all,I'm trying to run DSL from a liveCD (v2.3), in order to install to a USB stick. Unfortunately DSL seems not to like the NIC i want to use (a D-link gigbbit PCI card). Currently testing the liveCD on a Abit VA-20 board, sempron powered. Knoppx (DVD 4.0) pics everything up fine and dandy. ifconfig doesn't report any other device than lo. ![]() netcardconfig = no supported cards found. I havn't used any exotic boot options, anybody got a clue? ![]() Cheers, Al. Posted by skaos on May 08 2006,10:19
Run lsmod from the Knoppix dvd to see which modules your card uses. Then boot DSL and see if you can find these modules in the /lib/modules directory. If they're there, use modprobe to load them.