LinuxantForum: Networking Topic: Linuxant started by: sxkorean Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 26 2006,22:42
I did my homework this time, and found a device driver that would let me use my (HCF) Conexant chipset with Linux. I downloaded the file (the free one) And couldn't figure out the instructions. I decided to try method C of the installation tutorial because I downloaded it with as a .tar.gz file. I just got DSL on this old computer, I use a Live CD to boot. I can't think of anything I'm doing wrong, except maybe the fact that I have the uncompressed directoy still in on My Windows Desktop:1: I mount my hard drive. 2: Open emelfm 3: /mnt/hda1/windows/desktop #To where I downloaded th files to. #The file looks like: hcfpcimodem-1.10full.tar.gz 4: tar -xzf hcfpcimodem-1.10full.tar.gz returns: End of output, and nothing (That I can see) happens. 5:I decide to right click the file, choose action, unpack. # Extracted folder. # Here is says "3. run 'make install' from the top of the package directory." 6:I Open the folder I just extracted, type in:make install #And it says something like, 'make:command not found' I am new to Linux, and I suspect I'm doing something wrong that is obvious...It says uninstall any old HCF modem drivers, should I do that in windows? And then try again? I've double checked that the driver works my Modem, and it is listed. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 26 2006,23:01
You have downloaded the source package of your driver, and as such, you need to compile it before using it.You'll probably need gcc and make, and that can be found in myDSL listed as gcc*.dsl (it includes them both and more in that package) Usually its easier to try to find precompiled binaries though.
DSL is _not_ and shouldn't be related to your windows installation at all! Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 26 2006,23:17
Thanks for helping to clear that up, because I have the windows drivers installed, and was just about to uninstall them. Eventually I hope to get rid of windows, but i won't until I know I can get my Linux internet working (Google:The answer to everything.)I googled precompiled Binaries of Linux, and came up with some stuff. And, just in case I can't find one (not likely), just want the knowledge (more than likely) or can't figure out the already compiled binary (God...I am pretty new...) how would you compile them. I assume, that .run is the compiled binary (like .exe)...Which I have just downloaded, and will run. Later, Thanks for the help. God I don't want to have to run windows anymore, and DSL seems almost perfect, this is the only thing holding me back. LoL. Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 26 2006,23:47
OK I just tried to run the file I downloaded, I right clicked it, and clicked execute, and in the little text console, it said quite a few errors, all having to do with colors. A window popped up briefly, part of a second at most, and then quickly closed.Afterwords I went to the netcardconfig, and it still said there were no network cards supported...Pfft...nobody asks these dumb questions...Am I missing something ![]() Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 27 2006,00:00
Even though its a .run, it could be it just automates the compiling process for you. You have to make sure what it's going to do.If you see errors, don't expect it to suddenly work ![]() Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 27 2006,00:46
Ok then, I ahem, ran it from the Shell (I tihnk that's the terminal...right? Idiot question here...). And there was still an error. And I still can't get on the internet (with DSL). I'm goin to try to redownload it.The error this time was something like: This 'randomstringofnonsensicalmishmashednumberandorletters' does not match this 'otheronethatwasalittlelongerandmadenosenseatall'. Any solutions? Any ideas? Anything that I left out? Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 27 2006,00:57
OK, back at the downloads page, should I retry the KNoppix one?Should I try a RPM, or DKPG, fedora...freedows...redhat...I've just noticed that The Knoppix (2.78 right??) DSL runs is not the one the driver is made for (OMG, I AM STUPID!), so which should I choose, and which do u think would work? And if none of them are likely, which one(s) are most likely to work? Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 27 2006,01:32
OK, I've worked everything out except one problem (which will probably lead to more). I run off a live CD, and the RPM needs to write to the ETC folder. How should I deal with this?
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 27 2006,03:34
1: Was that a md5sum error?2: You should try using deb/dpkg packages. DSL is based of Knoppix (3.6) in which itself is based off of Debian. 3: You probably need root/admin privileges - add "sudo" before your normal command in the terminal to execute it as root. p.s. You can use the Edit button in the forums to prevent double/triple posting. Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 27 2006,04:08
LoL, I've put quite a few hours into this problem. (God, I hate windows, DSL or bust).I'm not sure, but I'll see if I can remember how I ran it to get the same error. I've also trie rpm -i blah, and it tres to write to etc as part of the installation, and then it can't, because it's a CD. And I was so close. I'm considering just installing onto my hard drive, or mayber there is an easier way out. Actually, if ANY of these have to write to the /etc folder (Which they al probably do, right?) then how do I get that using a LIVE CD, or am I going to have to HD install - Last resort. Partitioning == ![]() What if I copy all of the files onto a FLASH device (my mp3 player) install the drivers, burn them back onto the cd?? Anyway, thanks for the help, I've been struggling for hours. Surf web in windows, find an idea, reboot in Linux, try it out. Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 27 2006,06:08
Came up with another idea, I'm gonna load it into ram, and use chmod a+rwx then see rpm -i blah. Is there a way to do the whole thing? If I choose, say:chmod a +rwx est/ It doesn't do all the subfolders, and files. Is there a way? What is recursive (-R) for? And how come even as root I can't change some files? Maybe this was not a good solution. Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 28 2006,03:23
I partitioned my HD, and installed DSL, so that whatever programs/drivers that need to write can do so. I got an error message with the deb file, something like, usr/lib/blah: it doesn't exist, idiot.So I downloaded a beta test of the fullspeed noncrippled version, .tar.gz, and almost thought everything was going ok, but when I opened INSTALL, I got something about, please, BEFORE, and remove commands. Is this because I didn't change the path to the kernel headers? If so, where are they? I've searched, and I don't now where they are located for DSL. Posted by sxkorean on Aug. 31 2006,15:40
Err, I got the tar package, but the make command doesn't work...bump. Does anyone else have this problem? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Sep. 01 2006,14:39
"make" comes with gcc*.dsl