smbmount and permissions...

Forum: Networking
Topic: smbmount and permissions...
started by: underdone

Posted by underdone on Aug. 30 2006,13:49

I have entered the following line in .xinitric to connect to a Windows Domain which works ok but I can only access it with Superuser SU access. Could someone explain the error of my ways?

smbmount //Server/Store /home/dsl/mnt/Server/Store/ -o username=Administrator%password,fmask=444,dmask=444,workgroup=domain &
(This user and p'word are the server's own master admin account)

I have tried entering UID and GID arguements (1001, 50 respectively) but that doesn't seem to help either! Perhaps my numbers are just wrong but I can't seem to find much on it. Any help greatly appreciated.


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