Networking Issues

Forum: Networking
Topic: Networking Issues
started by: Trinexx

Posted by Trinexx on Sep. 26 2006,08:45
So, after many days of fiddling around on the Live CD ISO of DSL, I finally learned how to install it to the hard drive.

But, alas, I've been overcome with an insatiable lust for open source programs! This is where my issue arises.

For some reason, DSL has suddenly decided that it doesn't like my modem (ZyXEL P660-R compact), and won't connect to the internet anymore. As such, I find myself unable to directly download the various programs I need to get my fix. Instead of smashing my head open with Linux commands beyond my comprehension (I'm still trying to figure out how the hell to unmount the cdrom drive), I decided that I would just link up my XP machine with the DSL comp, and pull the needed files from there.

Easier said than done, I suppose, since I still haven't figured out how to do it.

If someone would mind holding my hand as I drunkenly stagger through the word of DSL, and teach me how to share files between these two comps, I would greatly appreciate it.

(I'm a tad tired of wasting my DVD-R's on 64kb ISO's -_-)

Posted by john_spiral on Oct. 01 2006,19:51

might be easier to connect the 2 machines with a cross over network cable, have XP share the internet connection. Then in DSL choose the DSLpanel choose Netcardconfig button then choose dhcp, it will give you internet access in DSL via XP, you then can download all the files you need to install your modem.

the MyDSL (on the desktop) is the tool to use to install a huge amount of software.

It might to easier to leave the xp DSL file sharing for later.


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