WG511v2 - works, but doesn't work....

Forum: Networking
Topic: WG511v2 - works, but doesn't work....
started by: dare2bfree

Posted by dare2bfree on Dec. 15 2006,01:48
Ok - here's the deal.

I have a toughbook CF-27 with a DSL hard drive install.  Everything has went wonderfully.  Until the wireless setup that is.  

I used ndiswrapper to add the driver and it tries to connect to the network.  The lights on the card start up and then one just flashes indicating that it is not finding a connection to the router.  I have taken the card out and put it in another laptop to test the card and the router - both are working fine.

ndiswrapper -l
driver installed, hardware present

iwlist wlan0 scan  will provide me with 3 different networks that it finds.  One of which is mine, but it won't connect to it.  I thought it might be the ssid so I tried it in all caps, all lowercase, all caps with quotes around it, I even tried getting it to connect to any network and still the light just flashes at me.  

I feel that there is something simple that I am missing, but damn if I can find what it is.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Posted by dare2bfree on Dec. 16 2006,15:00
Thanks to Winter Knight for posting the following response to another user.

< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....70;st=5 >

It worked like a charm for me.  I'm still not sure what it was that I was missing - probably the order.  But these steps work for a Netgear W511v2 (Marvell chipset).

Hopefully someone else will be helped with it as well.

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