Traffic with ndiswrapper ?Forum: Networking Topic: Traffic with ndiswrapper ? started by: PMP161316 Posted by PMP161316 on Jan. 09 2007,21:15
Hello,is it possible to capture the traffic on the W-Lan-adpter i am using (with ndiswrapper) ? If it is possible I would be very glad if you could tell me which program I need for this job. I tried ntop but I had some problems with compiling. Bye, PMP161316 Posted by Winter Knight on Jan. 14 2007,09:19
I'm not going to say it's impossible, but using ndiswrapper to capture packets is definitely going to be problematic.I use kismet. There is a uci extension available in the repository. Unfortunately, it will not work with ndiswrapper. Wireshark is the de facto standard for capturing packets on a wired network. I checked their wiki, and it seems they do support wireless, and they even mention the possibility of getting it to work with ndiswrapper. They don't really say how, just that it may be possible. Here is that page: < > I don't know how committed you are, but I would give up on using ndiswrapper to capture packets. You can find a good deal on a card with native Linux drivers on the internet. It's up to you. Good luck. Posted by PMP161316 on Jan. 14 2007,18:24
OK. Thank you for your help.