Using smbclient

Forum: Networking
Topic: Using smbclient
started by: davec51

Posted by davec51 on Jan. 27 2007,04:04
I wonder if someone could point me toward a how-to for the smbclient. I have a Windows XP machine. I want to access my files on it (and I hope the printer) from my old DSL machine. I'm not knowledgeable enough to use the instructions in the DSL Help screen.
When I use the terminal as root and enter "smbtree" I see the hard drive on the XP machine. Then what? When I access the smbclient from the GUI I get a form with "Domain," "Machine," "Share," "User Name," and "Password." What could possibly be my user name and password for this purpose? Is the network name my domain name?
You see I'm confused. I'll be content, too, if someone tells me I'm just not sophisticated enough for DSL, and I'll go elsewhere.
Thanks in advance.

Posted by athlon_crazy on Jan. 28 2007,17:14
Quote (davec51 @ Jan. 26 2007,23:04)
I wonder if someone could point me toward a how-to for the smbclient. I have a Windows XP machine. I want to access my files on it (and I hope the printer) from my old DSL machine. I'm not knowledgeable enough to use the instructions in the DSL Help screen.
When I use the terminal as root and enter "smbtree" I see the hard drive on the XP machine. Then what? When I access the smbclient from the GUI I get a form with "Domain," "Machine," "Share," "User Name," and "Password." What could possibly be my user name and password for this purpose? Is the network name my domain name?
You see I'm confused. I'll be content, too, if someone tells me I'm just not sophisticated enough for DSL, and I'll go elsewhere.
Thanks in advance.

from terminal :
- to see windows machine simply use >smbtree
- to connect the d hdd use >smbclient //COMPUTERNAME/folder -U username
>smbclient //JACK/E$ -U dsl
>password : put your password

-This will connect to E:/ on JACK machine by using "dsl" as your username
-Use "smb>dir" to browse file"smb>get" to copy file from & "smb>put" to move file to.

From GUI
Domain : IP address of windows machine ex:
Machine : Windows machine name ex: JACK
Share : Shared folder ex: E$
Username : your username ex: root
Password : your root password

Hope this help..

Posted by davec51 on Jan. 29 2007,12:33
Many thanks. I'm in touch with some of the shared folders; now it's only a matter of getting the folder names straight. This lengthens the life of my old computer by quite a bit.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Jan. 29 2007,14:00
You could also use the samba extension available in myDSL that comes with lineighborhood.  This one will allow you to create a mountpoint for your shares.
Posted by davec51 on Jan. 30 2007,18:18
Quote (^thehatsrule^ @ Jan. 29 2007,09:00)
You could also use the samba extension available in myDSL that comes with lineighborhood.  This one will allow you to create a mountpoint for your shares.

Thanks to everyone, but especially to thehatsrule. Installing LinNeighborhood solved everything in an instant. I don't need to know numbers or protocol, just a couple of clicks and I'm away.
Posted by evilneko on Feb. 18 2007,03:14
Sorry for the slight necromancy, but I have the same problem.
I can't seem to mount windows shares either. Installing the samba mydsl extension didn't help. win 2k doesn't allow browsing such as network neighborhood/linneighborhood uses. I'm perfectly comfortable on the commandline, wasn't really even interested in the neighborhood icon.

I use the following command (credentials and such removed of course) on my debian box to mount windows shares:
Code Sample
mount -t smbfs -o username=validusername,password=validpassword //computername/sharename /path/to/mountpoint

This is of course the format smbmount tells me to use, but why does it not work on DSL?

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