USB ADSL modem - how to get working

Forum: Networking
Topic: USB ADSL modem - how to get working
started by: fluppet

Posted by fluppet on Mar. 20 2007,11:14
I want to connect a BT Voyager 210 ADSL modem to my computer via USB.

It says < here > that it should work with the CDCEther driver.

modprobe CDCEther loads the driver, and lsmod shows that CDCEther is indeed loaded, but netcardconfig says no network cards detected.

Any ideas? Thanks

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Mar. 20 2007,17:57
I think netcardconfig only sees certain network names (ie ethX)

Is it's visible under `ifconfig -a`?

Posted by fluppet on Mar. 30 2007,12:39
Thanks for the reply.
Here is the output of ifconfig -a:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
         inet addr:  Mask:
         UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
         RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
         RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Posted by WDef on Mar. 31 2007,10:19
No interface there. Not good.

What does dmesg | tail

say after doing

Code Sample
rmmod CDCEther

modprobe CDCEther

dmesg might gives some hint as to the problem, but it looks like the driver is not working with the hardware.

Posted by fluppet on Mar. 31 2007,10:57
<6>cdrom: open failed.
<6>kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
<6>EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,65), internal journal
<6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
<6>kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
<6>EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,66), internal journal
<6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
<6>usb.c: deregistering driver CDCEther
<7>CDCEther.c: CDCEther.c: 0.98.6 7 Jan 2002 Brad Hards and another
<6>usb.c: registered new driver CDCEther

I have Debian installed as well and during booting I can see that it recognises the modem and CDCEther flashes by a few times, but I can't get it working with Debian either.

I think I'll probably just get a NIC and use the ethernet connection to the router.

Posted by fluppet on April 09 2007,09:45
Just thought I'd mention that I tried running Ubuntu (as a LiveCD) and the internet worked straight away even with the router connected via USB - I didn't need to do anything, just open Firefox as soon as Ubuntu was loaded and I could use the internet.
Posted by ReallySmallUser on April 28 2007,14:54
Hi, I'm new to this site :).

I revive this thread because I have a USB Modem (in the box says only 'ADSL USB' but my winxp tells me that it is a 'PTI800 ADSL USB WAN Adapter', and I read somewhere that this is really a Amigo HMX-CA85UR-K8 USB modem (based on a Conexant chip). My doubt is if this modem is supported on DSL. If this is supported, the question will be: how do I configure it? As the other USB modem was configurated?

Thanks and sorry for my bad english.

Posted by fluppet on June 12 2007,12:56
I'm sorry to go back to this issue again, but I am sure that it is possible to get my USB ADSL modem working. As I said it works straight away in Ubuntu without any configuration. DSL actually knows that it is there, but it doesn't seem to know what driver to use with it.  
In 'DSL System Stats - Net' it shows "ADSL USB Network Interface" but says Driver Unknown. In 'DSL System Stats - harware' it shows the same thing under 'Netcard'. DSL also automatically loads CDCEther on start-up, and as I said my modem is supposed to work with that... Any more ideas? Thanks

Here's exactly what it says:

FULLNAME="ADSL USB Network Interface"
# Insert nameservers here
# nameserver
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
         inet addr:  Mask:
         UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
         RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
         RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0

Posted by fluppet on June 14 2007,10:24
Some more info in case it helps anyone:

lsusb lists
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 069a:0318 Askey Computer Corp
which is correct, according to the link in my first post.

myDSL USBView shows this:

USB Network Interface
Manufacturer: ADSL
Serial Number: 0016e3537baa
Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version:  1.10
Device Class: 02(comm.)
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 32
Number of Configurations: 2
Vendor Id: 069a
Product Id: 0318
Revision Number:  1.01

Config Number: 1
Number of Interfaces: 2
Attributes: c0
MaxPower Needed:   0mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: (none)
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 02(comm.)
Sub Class: 2
Protocol: 0
Number of Endpoints: 1

Endpoint Address: 85
Direction: in
Attribute: 3
Type: Int.
Max Packet Size: 8
Interval: 100ms

Interface Number: 1
Name: (none)
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 0a(data )
Sub Class: 0
Protocol: 0
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 81
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 02
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Config Number: 2
Number of Interfaces: 2
Attributes: c0
MaxPower Needed:   0mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: (none)
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 02(comm.)
Sub Class: 6
Protocol: 0
Number of Endpoints: 1

Endpoint Address: 85
Direction: in
Attribute: 3
Type: Int.
Max Packet Size: 8
Interval: 64ms

Interface Number: 1
Name: (none)
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 0a(data )
Sub Class: 0
Protocol: 0
Number of Endpoints: 0

Interface Number: 1
Name: (none)
Alternate Number: 1
Class: 0a(data )
Sub Class: 0
Protocol: 0
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 81
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 02
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval: 0ms

Thanks for any help

Posted by Juanito on June 14 2007,10:46
DSL also automatically loads CDCEther on start-up

Is this the same driver as Ubuntu uses? Is this the driver that Askey Computer Corp recommends for their device?

It might help the trouble-shooting if you could boot from the Knoppix 3.4 CD and see if things work with that.

Posted by fluppet on June 14 2007,18:39
I checked Ubuntu again and lsmod shows usbnet and cdc_ether running.

According to the link in my first post (< again >) it says that my modem (a BT Voyager 210) uses a network adapter interface made by Askey. On Askey's website it doesn't say anything about Linux, but according to that link I just posted, my modem should work with CDCEther.

What I don't understand is that DSL sees the modem, knows it's a USB ADSL modem, knows to run CDCEther, but still doesn't work...

Posted by Juanito on June 15 2007,08:28
I would guess that the version of Ubuntu you tried is running a 2.6.x kernel - is that correct? If so, you could always try DSL-N rc4 to see if that changes anything.

Does DSL load usbnet (or its 2.4.x equivalent) as well as CDCEther?

Posted by fluppet on June 15 2007,12:16
Okay, I got DSL-N running, and I'm typing this message from it (hehe)! At first it didn't even load CDCEther, so I wasn't very happy. I tried modprobe CDCEther, but it said Module CDCEther not found. Then I tried modprobe cdc_ether, but same thing. So then I tried modprobe usbnet, and it loaded that one. I tried netcardconfig, and then to my cries of happiness it asked 'DHCP Broadcast?', I chose 'Yes' and the internet is now working :) :) :)
DSL-N is pretty slow on my computer (slower than Win XP), so I'm not going to give-up on DSL... I can't remember whether I tried modprobe usbnet on DSL. If that doesn't work then I suppose I could put my efforts into trying to get DSL-N to run faster (toram, etc.)

Thanks for your help, and to everyone who contributed to DSL and DSL-N :)

Posted by fluppet on June 15 2007,14:41
Hmmm, unfortunately I think I'll have to give-up on DSL until I get a NIC so I can connect my modem to the computer by ethernet. I tried modprobe usbnet in DSL, but I still couldn't get the internet working. Unfortunately I am also a few kilobytes short of being able to run DSL-N toram, and it is horribly slow running it off the HD, so it's back to WinXP then for a while.
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