IBM Thinkpad 380XD, dial-up issues

Forum: Networking
Topic: IBM Thinkpad 380XD, dial-up issues
started by: SanjoEel

Posted by SanjoEel on Mar. 20 2007,12:12
Hi everyone. This is my first post here. I a BRAND NEW to using Linux, but the more I get into it and open source the more I like it and the more I hate winblows. I was really excited when I did a HD install of DSL and breathed new life into my old thinkpad, which was running winblows like molasses in january. The install went fairly easily even for a noob like me, and I would be happy to post my experience if anyone's interested. I was impressed when I just plugged a USB into my router and was immediately online. However, I am trying to get this computer to dial up through my nic card. It is a Xircom RBM56G. No Ethernet, just phone line ports. DSL recognizes the card, but not a modem. Is there any way to configure this to work with dial up without a serial port modem? Do I need a linux driver for this card or what? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I have searched for a long time on my own for a solution before posting here. Any suggestions are really appreciated!
Posted by Juanito on Mar. 20 2007,13:19
Is the Xircom RBM56G and pcmcia/cardbus device?

If DSL recognises the card then maybe the output from dmesg will some clues as to where the modem has been assigned. You could also try looking at /var/state/pcmcia/stab (?) or the DSL control panel stats to see what it says.

I would guess the modem on the card has been assigned to /dev/ttyS2 or something like that. You could try the DSL extension wvdial - the command "wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf" will search out and configure any modems on your machine.

Posted by SanjoEel on Mar. 20 2007,13:50
Hey thanks for the speedy reply Juanito! I'll give that a shot and report back with my findings...
Posted by rhubarbpie on Mar. 29 2007,23:34
I believe you need to compile a driver for your modem.  It's probably a winmodem designed to use Windows software.  I'm running Linux From Scratch on an old IBM A21e (ltmodem) for which I compiled a driver.

I don't run DSL and am uncertain it's receptive to compiling.  You'll need the kernel source etc.  If you wish to do so I suggest you search on winmodem and linux.  If memory serves, you can get information at

Posted by SanjoEel on June 01 2007,20:54
thanks, rhubarb. I sort of gave up after fiddling with it for what I felt was too long hahaha. Now I am trying again. I'll check out linmodems.:D
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