Why does WPM55AG work oob with DSL3.2?

Forum: Networking
Topic: Why does WPM55AG work oob with DSL3.2?
started by: geomort

Posted by geomort on Mar. 29 2007,20:13
Picking an easy to use with Linux wireless adapter card is tricky.
It's seems many linux compatible cards are no longer in producion or version changes in chipsets complicate the issue.

I picked a Linksys WPM55AG pci wireless card because it appeared on linux compatability lists and was available from Newegg.

It works oob with DSL 3.2.  However, it is off the compatability list at Madwifi now.  No forum to ask them why. I had problems with Knoppix 5.1.1.

Does the WMP55AG card work with DSL 3.2 because the Kernel 2.4 and Madwifi driver compiled for it work?  Perhaps the 2.6 Kernel and Madwifi is broken for this particular card now.

I use DSL 2.1b on my sata pcs and ndiswrapper for broadcom wireless.  I'll stick with 3.2 and madwifi on this pc. They work very well.

The different releases of DSL is really a  clever solution for keeping old and new harware functioning.

Thanks for the creative work.


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