No access to the internet with the new computer :(

Forum: Networking
Topic: No access to the internet with the new computer :(
started by: Key

Posted by Key on June 08 2007,12:06
I'm a little bit disappointed, as my new computer ( ASUS Pundit P1-AH2 barebone system ) will not give me access to the internet.

I'm still using Damn Small Linux v 3.2 installed on my old memory stick ( usb-pen ). I didn't have problems with this on my older computers. It was always working and there are no changes on it as it is write protected.

Also I do not have any problems with this new computer to get access to the internet with the installed Vista 64 bit operating system.

Therefore I assume, that the onboard network device from this new computer isn't supported from DSL ?

The network device is:
NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller VLAN 0011

What can be done?
How can I get my memory stick working again with getting access to the internet automatically?
Is it easy to install a driver for this network device if it isn't supported yet?
Looking for further information on this issue.

Thank you very much in advance.

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on June 08 2007,13:48
driver = forcedepth
Though maybe yours is a newer revision that isn't supported?  Or maybe you need to load chipset drivers first (nforce2*?).

Could run `find /lib/modules | grep nforce`

Posted by Key on June 08 2007,16:10
Quote (^thehatsrule^ @ June 08 2007,09:48)
driver = forcedepth
Though maybe yours is a newer revision that isn't supported?  Or maybe you need to load chipset drivers first (nforce2*?).

Could run `find /lib/modules | grep nforce`

Thanks for your quick response.

Unfortunately my knowledge with Linux ist too small in order to know how to proceed.

From the ASUS homepage, I found these further information:
North Bridge: nVidia Crush 51PV
South Bridge: nVidia MCP 51
LAN: 10/100/1000 Mbps

Don't know if these information will help?
DSL reports that no network-card has been found, although there is an onboard network-card ( which works fine with Vista ).

Maybe it is easier to install an additional network-card to the computer than adding a supported driver?

And I thought that everything is so easy, as I had already 3 computers where their different network-cards have always been configured automatically with DSL.

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on June 08 2007,16:49
To load a module, use `sudo modprobe <module>` in a terminal/console/tty/command prompt.  You can also run that find command there.

But I forgot to recommend a search first: see i.e. <;st=5 >
Don't think anyone's backported/compiled it in 2.4.26 for DSL yet...

Posted by Key on June 08 2007,17:34
Now I understand the problem.
Thank you for this information.

So I am waiting now for a new DSL with a new kernel.

I have voted for:
"Update DSL Kernel to 2.4.34"

Hope it won't take so much time.
But at least I have hope now, that it will work with a newer kernel.
Maybe I will try another distro with a newer kernel in the meantime.

Posted by Key on June 08 2007,20:51
I have tried DSL-N 0.1 RC4 now as well.
Unfortunately this doesn't work on my machine.
Screen is frozen after boot.

Furthermore I have tried Knoppix 5.1.1.
Internet is working again! Yeah! :-)
Now I really know that it is the kernel which doesn't give me access to the internet with DSL 3.2 or DSL 3.3.

I wanted to try DSL 2.0 as well ( as it has a newer 2.4.(31) kernel for some reason ) but it stopped booting after some seconds. Reason: CD-Rom not found!
I'm using a SATA-DVD-drive and a SATA-harddisk.
Seems that kernel 2.4.26 doesn't like my SATA-drives.

I hope my SATA drives and my onboard network-card will be recognized again with the next DSL version, doesn't matter if kernel 2.4.xx or 2.6.xx.
It should be updated quite soon. Thanks.

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on June 08 2007,23:18
Use 2.1 (b) for sata boot time modules (as suggested in the thread I posted - see changelog notes for more details)

Not sure about dsl-n as I have not used it much, but you can probably find something related to your m/b chipset.

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