DWL G122 vC1 Wireless USB - no connection

Forum: Networking
Topic: DWL G122 vC1 Wireless USB - no connection
started by: gothelin

Posted by gothelin on Aug. 06 2007,04:44

I'm running DSL 3.3 Frugal installed to my hard drive.  I am trying to set up a DWL G122 vC1 wireless USB on this system.  I managed to get this same modem installed in Ubuntu 7.04 using the same internet connection, but can't get it to work in DSL for some reason.  I'm sure I must be missing something, but can't work out what it is!

I followed the advice I found on this forum and downloaded the < driver and scripts that Peter Misch kindly provided >.  I installed them to the /home/dsl/wlan directory as instructed and modified the scripts where necessary with my own details.  Running WLANup_DLINK.sh as root appears to work (it goes through the motions without error, in any case), however there is definitely no connection.  The 'act' light flashes on the USB stick, but that's it.

I was a bit surprised when I ran iwconfig and it returned an essid that was blank, as it is specified in the WLANup_DLINK.sh file as "TP-LINK" (without the quotes).  I've checked that the USB is being recognised, that it picks up that it needs to use the rt73 driver, I just don't know what I need to do next.  Any advice or pointers as to what I might have done wrong would be greatly appreciated!  :)

Edited to add:  I did search the forums prior to posting.  However, many of the threads where made prior to Peter Misch compiling the drivers for DSL, and while the remaining posts had excellent solutions, unfortunately none of them fixed my issue.

Posted by gothelin on Aug. 09 2007,01:58
Just a bit of an update, I've discovered that if I run the WLANup_DLINK.sh script then do:

Code Sample
ifconfig rausb0 down
ifconfig rausb0 up

iwconfig will recognise the name of the ESSID:

Code Sample

Mode: Managed  Channel:6  Access Point: 00:19:E0:96:B3:B4
Bit Rate=54Mb/s
RTS thr:off  Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Link Quality:81/100  Signal level:-30dBm  Noise level:-79dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
Tx Excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0  Missed beacon:0

But I still can't access any websites.  Any ideas on what I might have done wrong would be much appreciated!  :)

Posted by gothelin on Aug. 09 2007,05:18
Woohooo!   I knew it would end up being a PEBKAC error.  :)

Turns out I calculated my broadcast address incorrectly - a < broadcast address calculator > is definitely your friend!  Once I fixed that and did

Code Sample
pump -i rausb0

It all just worked.  I'm typing from my DSL install.  Woot. :laugh:

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