Recommend a USB wireless dongle with WPA2 support

Forum: Networking
Topic: Recommend a USB wireless dongle with WPA2 support
started by: dslrgm

Posted by dslrgm on Aug. 31 2007,17:01
I need to get a USB wireless dongle really soon, and cheaply (like from ecost budget countdown, check it out).

But it has to work well in DSL and support WPA (after all I worked on 802.11i, got to walk the talk).

which chipset?  And is ndiswrapper a good approach (and how much memory does it eat); and do I add the Win drivers or will they be included, so to speak?

The RTL8180 and ZyDAS chipsets seem to be popular.  My understanding is the MadWiFi work is not supporting atheros based USB dongles, and recommends using ndiswrapper for them?

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