Wlan help

Forum: Networking
Topic: Wlan help
started by: curaga

Posted by curaga on Sep. 17 2007,11:46
So, my Atheros card arrived, and is purring like a kitten.

It's my first wireless card though, so I'm not sure if I'm doing everything right. Got latest madwifi-ng loaded, they recognize the card, and I can configure it fine.

The problem is that I cannot connect to anything. Well, I kinda can, after entering the correct channel, essid, and wep key with iwconfig, it reports as assosiated with my AP.

I can also get a dhcp lease from my router. But there it stops.
Ping to router tells "host unreachable".

Some of my commands:

wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
iwconfig ath0 channel 6 essid "myessid" key xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
ip link set ath0 up

Doesn't matter if I set ip's manually or with dhcp.

ip addr add broadcast dev ath0
ip route add default via dev ath0

Firewall is not in the way. I also tried connecting to two open wlans available to me, just in case it was a problem with the wep key, with same results; Connect and assosiating is fine, dhcp works too, but cannot ping the router, nor anything else.

Mac filtering is off in my router.. DNS servers were fine too.

I'm just dazzled by this, how can dhcp pass but normal traffic not?

Posted by curaga on Sep. 17 2007,11:49
Iwconfig gives shows lots of "invalid nwid" packets, but the 2.4Ghz area is really crowded here, so they could or could not be related to the problem..
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