DSL 4.2.5, compiling Driver for Zydas zd1211Forum: Networking Topic: DSL 4.2.5, compiling Driver for Zydas zd1211 started by: nonoo Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,10:22
Hello, i want to compile a wlan-driver for my zydas zd1211 usb wlan Dongle. The Dongle don't work with ndiswrapper. DSL 4.2.5 frozen by "modprobe ndiswrapper".In MyDSL i have installed: < ![]() The Driver I`try to use is from here: < http://zd1211.wiki.sourceforge.net/VendorDriver > Driver version The Readme for Driver version < http://www.nopaste.org/p/aX5SuolKi > The Driver ist for Kernel 2.4.x. lsusb type:
It's a Acer WLAN 11g USB Dongle. The Dongle work's in Debian Etch with ndiswrapper and the kernel zd1211 implementet zd1211 driver. When I want to use the implementet Option from the Kernel, I must use the Firmware from Debian Sid. In DSL 4.2.5 don't can compile the Driver with make. make begin to run, and than Error. How can I compile a Driver for my Dongle? Thank you. nonoo Posted by curaga on Feb. 07 2008,11:54
What error do you get from make?I also took a look at the Makefile. You probably need to chang this line:
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,14:30
The original Makefile from ZD1211LnxDrv_2_22_0_0< http://nopaste.info/2c459bb8a9.html > The Changelog-Couruga-Makefile line 23 "KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.4" -----> "KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux" < http://nopaste.info/01c73b9b01.html > If I use "make"-----> Error. ![]() How can I post the Message from Emelfm here? I don`t know to work with copy an paste. Edit: ndiswrapper don't work to. ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by curaga on Feb. 07 2008,16:29
how to copy and paste: click the mouse, drag it while clicked so you highlight text, move the mouse where you want to paste, click on the wheel.
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,16:38
Hello, in don`t have at time a wheel mouse, I` use a Two-Button Mouse. Can I copy and past with a Two Button Mouse? left+right Button click don`t copy the market Text.nonoo Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 07 2008,16:44
See the first popup under dillo during startup, or view it in the wiki
Posted by NoobieDoobieDo on Feb. 07 2008,17:17
Do a google search for "how to copy paste" and then paste us the error message from `make`.
Posted by andrewb on Feb. 07 2008,22:09
You have this subject running in 3 threads! I've replied under the "DSL 3.4.11 compiling Driver for Zydas zd1211, Zyda" thread < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....=19805; >Please don't multi-post the same problem. Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,22:42
HelloTopic: DSL 3.4.11 compiling Driver for Zydas zd1211, Zyda, DSL 3.4.11 compiling DSL 3.4.11 used the Kernel 2.4.26. DSL 4.25 used the Kernel 2.4.31. If zd1211 in DSL 3.4.11 don't work, zd1211 can work in DSL 4.2.5. Greets nonoo Edit: Hello, try to compile again. I'm use the Vendor Driver ZD1211LnxDrv_2_22_0_0.tar.gz The Original Makefile from Package: < http://nopaste.info/2267adaee0.html > Line 23 KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.4 -----I have--changed--to------> KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.4.31 The compling beginning, and end sucessful. iwlist scan types now eht0, eth0 ist my Acer USB zd1211 Wlan dongle.
What can I now do? Posted by andrewb on Feb. 07 2008,23:39
Sorry the above link should have been :< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....=19805; > Posted by nonoo on Feb. 09 2008,12:07
Hello, I have edit the makefile
The module compiling now is successful. But, the Wlan-Configuration is not successful. Here are the Message History:
Where ist my mistake? nonoo Posted by nonoo on Feb. 10 2008,11:08
Hello, I`m happy. I have wlan-Support with a Zydas zd1211
Yesterday I have downloaded with my Second-PC in the same wlan area. Than "pump -i eth0" will not work. ![]() ![]() Thank you andrewb and the other. nonoo Edit: I`m using the follow Extensions from DSL < ![]() The Kekernelsource-2.4.31.dsl is from Testing.
The Driver Binary ist from here: < http://zd1211.wiki.sourceforge.net/VendorDriver > Driver version I have modified the makefile: The Original Makefile from Package: < http://nopaste.info/2267adaee0.html > Line 23 KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.4 -----I have--changed--to------> KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.4.31 Than you can compile the module. lsmod types: