DSL 3.4.11 compiling Driver for Zydas zd1211, ZydaForum: Networking Topic: DSL 3.4.11 compiling Driver for Zydas zd1211, Zyda started by: nonoo Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,17:29
Hello, I`m tired to compilingNothing work oder I'm to stupid for DSL. No I have try to compile the Zydas Driver with DSL 3.4.11, but I become Error. I`m use the kernelsource.dsl from mydsl. But nothing ok. ![]() ![]() ![]() Everyone use the Zdydas ZD1211 with Damn Small Linux 3.4.11 oder DSL 4.2.x? How did you get support for zd1211? nonoo Old Driver: < http://www.ryven.de/treiber/ > Edit 2008.02.09 Vendor Driver, for Kernel 2.4.x < http://zd1211.wiki.sourceforge.net/VendorDriver > Older Community Driver: < http://www.ryven.de/treiber/ > linuxwireless.org, Vendor (the Driver don't work with Kernel 2.4): < http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices/USB >
Posted by andrewb on Feb. 07 2008,22:08
I have compiled this module & have been meaning to submit it to the repository. I also have the correct version of wpa_supplicant compiled for it. I will submit them sometime over the weekend (or upload them & post the location here). I have them compiled for DSL v3.x. I'll have to look at compiling the module for 4.x. I'm assuming there won't be a need to recompile wpa_supplicant for the move from 3.x to 4.x?The problem you reported in a different thread about this hardware causing a system freeze with ndiswrapper is also something I experienced. This was the reason I went to the trouble of compiling the module that came with my hardware. I must admit compiling wasn't completely straightforward as there were some additional libraries required (may have been for compiling wpa_supplicant) which were not present with just kernelsources & GCC extensions loaded. Posted by andrewb on Feb. 08 2008,00:56
OK,I've found the source files I used to compile the ZYDAS modules and relevant wpa_supplicant for v3.x as well as the binaries. They are stored at: < http://users.tpg.com.au/cramond/zydas/ > The instructions that came with the files are also there. When the module loads you should get an ascii ZYDAS graphic appear on the console. Posted by nonoo on Feb. 08 2008,07:26
Hello andrewb, wich Firmware do you have testet?My USB Wlan Stick needed the Firmware Package from Debian Sid. With the other Firmware my Stick don't work. < http://packages.debian.org/sid/all/zd1211-firmware/download > zd1211-firmware_2.16.0.0-0.1_all.deb How Do you have installed the Firmware? andrewb
Can you post, what you have done? How can I get the Info which Firmware my Stick needed? zd1211-firmware_2.16.0.0-0.1_all.deb have 10 Firmwareversion. zd1211-firmware from Etch non-free habe 5 Firmewareversion, with zd1211-firmware Etch non-free don`t work my Stick. Do you have to consider to use the 2.6.x Kernel in DSL 3.4.11 oder 4.2.5 from DSL-N? nonoo Posted by andrewb on Feb. 08 2008,09:07
See link in previous message for the files
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 09 2008,10:40
Hello. I`m try to comile the with the binary-Link from andrew.My Sytemt is DSL 3.4.11, the compiling beginnig but not suceessful. Where is using DSL 3.4.11 and have succesfule compile a zd1211 modul for the Kernel 2.4.26? What have you done? nonoo Posted by andrewb on Feb. 09 2008,12:48
The binaries are in the files I uploaded - make sure you check in the file '...for kernel 2.4.26.tar.gz'. I use the zd1211b module (using to post this message!). make sure you have all other wireless lan modules (e.g. ndiswrapper, wlan_tkip, ath_hal, etc) unloaded then load zd1211b & insert the dongle.then do: ifconfig eth0 up iwlist scan iwconfig eth0 essid <YOURESSID> pump -ieth0 This will get you connected on a system with no WEP or WPA. If you want to use WPA used the version of wpa_supplicant I uploaded (in the ...bin.... file). To get it to work with the zydas dongle you need the switch '-Dzydas'. If you are still having problems it may be that you have a different zydas chip. Have a look at the output of the command 'lsusb' My zydas dongle is listed as '0ace:1215'. I run mine through a pcmcia USB 2.0 card & find i can't run a usb mouse through the same card at the same time as the zydas dongle. The system runs really slow & 'ps' reports many many instances of the usb hotplug scripts running. Good luck Posted by nonoo on Feb. 09 2008,15:56
Hello, lsusb type my Dongle.:
The Dongle. from andrewb:
Ther is a diffrent. I`m helpless. ![]() Posted by andrewb on Feb. 10 2008,09:25
It may still run with the modules I uploaded. Try them. The zd1211 drivers run a lot of the zydas modules (see e.g. < http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw/devices). > Looking at the data on this link you will probably need the zd1211 module rather than the zd1211b module.
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 10 2008,11:18
Hello andrewb, thank you for your help.I have solved my Problem, see the Thread: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....ry99220 > Thank you for your help, i will use DSL 4.2.5 in the future. nonoo Posted by Terzino on Feb. 12 2008,23:52
Hi everybody,I'm running DSL 3.4.8, kernel 2.4.26,and I'm trying to use my usb wireless dongle 3CRUSB10075. I had the files zd1211.o and zd1211b.o and I copied in /lib/modules/2.4.26/usb. Then I put the command "sudo insmod zd1211.o" But when I try to do "sudo modprobe zd1211" I have "modprobe: Can't locate module zd1211" Any ideas? Thanks in advance Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 13 2008,00:58
You must first rebuild the index by using depmod.If you're running a frugal and get write-protection errors, you can: - go to /lib/modules (i.e. where modules.dep etc. reside) - remove those symlinks - copy the files over from KNOPPIX to ramdisk Posted by andrewb on Feb. 13 2008,02:32
The files need to be in /lib/modules/2.4.26/net.You only need to copy one of them. Looking at: < http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw/devices > your dongle could use either. Use lsusb to find out what the ID of it is. According to the above list if it is 0ACE:1215 then you'll need the zd1211b module. If it is 6871:a727 you'll need the zd1211.o module. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 13 2008,04:22
The location in there should not matter...In any case, you'd still have to rebuild the indexes. Posted by andrewb on Feb. 13 2008,11:10
I've got it running without having to rebuild the indexes.Do you do the insmod before you plug in the dongle? If you do this you should get an ascii ZYDAS logo appear on the console. Then plug in the module & it shold be recognised OK. What does lsmod tell you is loaded after you insmod? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 13 2008,18:13
To use modprobe, it requires you to rebuild them
Posted by andrewb on Feb. 14 2008,10:41
I always used insmod. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 14 2008,18:44
OK, but he was asking how to use modprobe (which is usually preferred anyways)
Posted by Terzino on Feb. 14 2008,20:39
Thanks for your suggest.After "sudo depmod" then I did "sudo modprobe zd1211" and all was ok ("lsusb" says that my id device is 6891:a727). Then I tried: "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" and "sudo iwlist scan", and I had: eth1 scan completed cell 01 - address: ... essid: "" ... (mode, freq, extra, encr, bit rate) Then I did "sudo iwconfig eth1 essid mylan" where mylan is an unprotected wireless lan, and all was ok. Then I did "sudo pump -i eth1" and after 20 seconds I received "operation failed" and the "ACT" green led stopped to blinking. Any ideas? Did I put all the commands needed? Thanks Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 15 2008,03:03
Did you make sure pump wasn't running on it already?i.e. booting with nodhcp or `killall pump` Posted by nonoo on Feb. 15 2008,15:01
Hello Terzino, with DSL 3.4.11 I had have the same Problem with "pump". You can try DSL 4.2.5, this Version work`s with my zd1211 Chip.Good Luck nonoo Posted by Terzino on Feb. 18 2008,18:51
Hello nonoo,now I have a DSL 4.2.5 box hd installed, and I tried to do the same steps I posted several days ago, but when I put "sudo insmod zd1211.o" I had "kernel-module version mismatch ..." because the driver I downloaded from < http://users.tpg.com.au/cramond/zydas/ > is for a 2.4.26 kernel. Do you know any place to download the correct version of the zd1211 driver? Compiling is the only way? What do I have to compile tre driver? Thanks in advance. Posted by andrewb on Feb. 18 2008,22:23
The compiled version for kernel 2.4.31 has now been uploaded at < http://users.tpg.com.au/cramond/zydas/ >
Posted by Terzino on Feb. 18 2008,22:57
Thank you andrewb.But I have the same result with the new driver on DSL 4.2.5: when I put "sudo pump -i eth1", where eth1 is the wifi netcard. I receive "operation failed" again. Somebody can tell me if my Armada 1750 (Pentium II 366 with 64 mb ram) is too little to have the 3CRUSB10075 working? Posted by andrewb on Feb. 19 2008,00:41
I have a generic usb wifi stick with the Zydas (ID 0ACE:1215) chip in it running on a Toshiba libretto (P-I, 166MHz, 64Mb). I use the driver I uploaded & the instructions I gave earlier in the thread. Do you have another net card in the system that makes your wifi connection eth1, rather than eth0? What result do you get from 'iwlist scan'? What order are you loading the module / plugging in the wifi dongle? Try loading the module without the dongle plugged in - you should get a nice ascii ZYDAS logo on the console (I use insmod, rather than modprobe). After that plug in the dongle & you should see it recognised with messages appearing on the console (make sure you have a terminal window open, or do this testing without X running).From < http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw/devices > it looks like you are using the correct module (zd1211, NOT the zd1211b version) .Have you loaded the firmware update to the correct location (download the zd1211-firmware file I have uploaded along with the modules files & look at the readme file in there), I don't know if that may help you? So far as I know the firmware update isn't actually written to you usb stick so it can't corrupt anything there, you just need the files available whenever you use the device. Posted by nonoo on Feb. 19 2008,16:13
Hello Terzino, please ty to use the vendor Driver.< http://zd1211.wiki.sourceforge.net/VendorDriver > In DSL 4.2.5 the Driver version work's fine. The Driver from < http://www.linuxwireless.org/ > don`t work with Kernel 2.4.x, but you can check your Donlge with the link from andrewb. What type`s lsusb on your system? nonoo Posted by Terzino on Feb. 19 2008,18:41
Thanks for your help.This is the seqence of the commands I put without the pcmcia lan card, and the results I have had:
then I put the usb dongle in and
After "Operation failed" the green led on the usb dongle stop blinking, but restart if I put "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" I had the zd1211.o file from the site posted several messages ago from andrewb (the release for kernel 2.4.31, because now I'm using DSL 4.2.5) and I copied it into /lib/modules/2.4.31/kernel/drivers/usb/ Where is the error? Any ideas? I'm a newbie and I'm not able to compile the driver from sources. The usb dongle is working fine on XP ![]() Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 19 2008,18:53
Could be the limitation on pump... you could first check if using a static ip will work.See this recent thread for more info: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....t=19811 > Posted by Terzino on Feb. 19 2008,20:03
Please, would you specify all the command I need to configure eth0 without using pump?How can I set a static IP on the wifi connection? Thanks Posted by andrewb on Feb. 19 2008,22:58
Have you tried the zd1211b module instead of the zd1211 module? It may be worth a try. Also I'm not sure the space is needed after '-i' in the pump command, i.e. try 'pump -ieth0'. Can you post the list of modules you have loaded (lsmod).
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 20 2008,09:42
Hello, did you whith Dongle:
< http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_hostif.php?hostif=USB > Than you must use the Driver from with Project < http://zd1211.ath.cx/ > But with Project is down, you must also use the vendor based driver in DSL 3.8.11, because with DSL use the Kernel 2.4.x. I had have the same Problem with DSL 3.8.11, now I`m use DSL 4.2.5, the wlan usb Dongle works there. Look with Thread: < http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....t=19804 > nonoo Posted by Terzino on Feb. 20 2008,23:17
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm writing from my DSL box. It seems that pump have problems. I used a static IP without using pump and all was OK. These are the commands I put:
Then I wrote in /etc/resolv.conf:
I tried to use "pump -i eth0 -h box" but DSL hanged. Maybe I need another dhcp client. Does anybody know if exists dhclient for DSL? I'm thinking that maybe the static setup could work even on DSL 3.4.11 ![]() Posted by nonoo on Feb. 21 2008,10:17
Hello Terzino, very nice ![]() Which Driver you using? You use WPA oder WPA2? nonoo Posted by Terzino on Feb. 21 2008,13:32
nonooI'm using zd1211.o from "http://users.tpg.com.au/cramond/zydas/ZD1211LnxDrv_2_13_0_0 for kernel 2.4.31.tar.gz" I'm not using any WPA protection. I only set MAC filtering and put SSID broadcasting disabled on the wifi router. andrewb pump should work with "-i eth0" but it fails. Do you know any other parameters? Do you know any other dhcp client for DSL? Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 21 2008,16:37
You could try changing around the commands... like what was in the link in my last post in this thread, or try to limit the number of commands, etc.such as:
For another dhcp client, you could try dhcpcd. Posted by andrewb on Feb. 21 2008,23:36
Are you sure there aren't any other wifi modules still loaded? I have had problems with both the ZYDAS dongle & a TP-Link PCMCIA wifi card, including the 'hanging' issue. I resolved these by ensuring any modules loaded as a result of auto-detection during the boot process were unloaded before & loaded the zd1211 module. If you're not sure post the output of the lsmod command here.
Posted by andrewb on Feb. 22 2008,12:14
One other issue I have noticed with the Zydas dongle - I can't use a USB mouse in the second port on the PCMCIA USB2.0 card I use. Trying to use a mouse leads to very slow operation & a lot of 'hotplug' messages on the console (or visible in dmesg). I need to use the built-in (PS/2) mouse when using the ZYDAS dongle.I have verified the commands I use: Make sure all wlan modules and ndiswrapper are unloaded. insmod zd1211b. Plug in dongle (can be plugged in before insmodding the module). Then execute: ifconfig eth0 up iwconfig eth0 essid <MYSSID> /home/dsl/wpa_supplicant -B -Dzydas -ieth0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf pump -ieth0 When I use the above in bootlocal.sh I have 'sleep 5' before the ifconfig command, after loading the module & then put a few other commands after iwconfig & before wpa_supplicant (e.g. modprobe the sound system, load saved sound settings, start smbd & nmbd). Note that if you need wpa_supplicant you will need the version I uploaded earlier as it has the ZYDAS driver in it. I'll try & put this lot into a DSL/UNC extension & submit it to Robert, rather than relying on my uploaded files. Posted by Terzino on Feb. 25 2008,22:11
This is the output for lsmod:
I tried this sequence of commands:
and I had DSL frozen. I tried also "pump -ieth0" with the same result ![]() I tried also without "killall pump" with the same result ![]() I tried also zd1211b driver, with no success. Do you know any DSL extension to use dhcpcd? Posted by andrewb on Feb. 26 2008,00:42
The only thing I can see from your lsmod output is that you appear to have a USB mouse running. Can you use a serial or PS/2 mouse instead (if there's a built-in mouse or pad it will likely be ps/2). Other than that I can't see anything in there that may cause problems. Did you get any software wit the dongle? I had a CD with mine which had the source code for the modules - it was this code I compiled to get the drivers I uploaded.
Posted by Terzino on Feb. 26 2008,13:01
I haven't any usb mouse. I'm using the touchpad on the notebook.I have found a linux driver for my dongle on the 3Com web site, but I'm not so expert to compile it. The driver is here: < http://www.3com.com/product....er=desc > Many thanks to andrewb, ^thehatsrule^, nonoo for your support. Posted by Terzino on Mar. 06 2008,23:44
I tried DSL 3.4.11.It works with the same procedures. ![]() |