d-link 1330Forum: Networking Topic: d-link 1330 started by: dldeskins Posted by dldeskins on July 16 2008,01:08
I have an old gateway laptop (PIII) and am using a d-link wna-1330 wireless card for network connections and it works well. I configured ndiswrapper to load the windows driver. After i configured iwconfig, a file was created in the home folder, myiwconfig. I put a line in bootlocal.sh to call myiwconfig to start network connection on startup. On startup, i get a "process not found" message, but the card starts and I have a connection.1. Is this the best way to start my wireless connection on startup. 2. I would like to enable the wireless connection when I insert the card into the slot. Is there a way to do this? thanks Posted by curaga on July 16 2008,08:13
1 - bootlocal.sh is ok. Does myiwconfig have executable permissions, and did you use full path?2 - hotplug scripts can do that. I've more of an udev guy, so don't ask me how to do that though ![]() Posted by dldeskins on July 16 2008,17:45
curaga, thanks for the reply.1. yes... it has permissions and executes, i wouldn't have a connection if it didn't. I just get that strange message. 2. I will look into hotplug scripts. Something else after I posted my first message. I set up ssh. The client is working properly in that I can ssh to another laptop (on wireless no less). The sshd is started, but when I try to connect from my other computer, I get the "connection refused" message. I have restarted sshd and the computer. What could be the problem. Thanks Posted by curaga on July 16 2008,17:52
I'd say firewall unless DSL didn't come with it. Can you ssh from the DSL comp to itself?
Posted by chaostic on July 16 2008,18:11
Did you forget to use the secure cheatcode in combination with sshd? From your other computer (Windows, Mac, Linux?) try running ssh with verbose output "ssh -vvv dsl@(your dsl hostname or ipaddress)"
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on July 16 2008,21:59
Posted by dldeskins on July 17 2008,10:32
OK, I have got it working... sometimes it will connect and sometimes it won't. I can ALWAYS connect by connecting through my wireless laptop, ssh to my server (wired) and then ssh'ing to the dsl laptop. Must be something quirky about the combination of the wireless connections. I was playing with the startup scripts and damaged my backup. I ended up deleting it and starting over (it took me a couple of hours to realize that is what I needed to do). Anyway, thanks guys. |