Determine IP address

Forum: Networking
Topic: Determine IP address
started by: colinbes

Posted by colinbes on Oct. 09 2004,12:48
I am looking for ideas and techniques for determining IP address from headless embedded pc running DSL which has static IP confiiguration.
Ideas appreciated.

Posted by Grim on Oct. 10 2004,06:19
Quote (colinbes @ Oct. 09 2004,06:48)
I am looking for ideas and techniques for determining IP address from headless embedded pc running DSL which has static IP confiiguration.
Ideas appreciated.


If it has a static IP, then you know the ip.  If you can't remember what address you specified, you could always run nmap (as root) and do a ping sweep of your intranet (e.g. nmap -v -sS 192.168.1.* should do the trick) to determine which IP addresses are up and what services they're running.

It should be fairly easy to pick the DSL box out of such a sweep.  If this doesn't help, sorry, I need more information before I can help you.

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 11 2004,18:35

If you are running your DSL box on a home network, you may be able to determine the local computer IP address by logging into your home router administration webpage and checking the status page for a list of current IP addresses.

Perhaps we are misunderstanding your question.

Please take a minute and write down your question on a piece of paper.

Then read it back to yourself, pretending that you do not know the subject matter.  Do you understand your own question?  If not, please try rewording it until it makes more sense to you and the post it here.

Good Luck.

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