Proxies made easy for DSL?

Forum: Networking
Topic: Proxies made easy for DSL?
started by: Doofer

Posted by Doofer on April 06 2005,08:58
I like to use my 8cm CDRW + USB key + DSL as a sort of 'virtual computer' - wherever I am, I just plug in and boot up and - voila - I have my DSL setup on whatever hardware is available.

However, I am having trouble with proxies. It seems that, in linux, I need to edit a file for every app that uses the internet if I want to use a proxy (Firefox, Dillo, xmms, myDSL etc.).

It would be really convenient if I could have a list of proxy settings for each network I might use (hospital, university, home), and  when I 'wake up' in a given setting the script just squirts the settings I've chosen into the appropriate config files... rather than having to re-edit every file by hand.

I could envisage having a script which offers some alternative 'proxy environments' (which contains the proxy settings for each network). You choose the appropriate option, and it adds the necessary lines of info to the config files of all the popular DSL networked apps: DSL, XMMS, Dillo, Firefox, myDSL, Links Hacked, and so on.

Needless to say, at the moment my coding is a bit stumped on how to achieve this, but I wonder how hard it would be?

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