SMC 2632W v2 -- Supported or Not?

Forum: Networking
Topic: SMC 2632W v2 -- Supported or Not?
started by: GiantPickle

Posted by GiantPickle on April 26 2005,18:53
Hello all,

I'm new to DSL, but I've been using Linux in a few forms for a few years... but I'm still basically an seasoned newbie.

The problem I'm having is that in the documentation pages, secifically at:
it says that my card (Topic Title) is supported by DSL, "Out of the box", or "Little or no configuration required".

However, that is not my experience... am I missing something or doing something wrong?

I've searched the forums and only found a couple of posts, and people were having problems, or needing to 'make' with the Atmel driver, and not having gcc installed, etc..

So, can anyone tell me, is it supported or not?



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