Linkys G pcmcia wireless adapter

Forum: Networking
Topic: Linkys G pcmcia wireless adapter
started by: TheClap

Posted by TheClap on Aug. 16 2005,23:16
the ndiswrapper doesn't work.  It's linksys, so I couldn't find any linux drivers.  Just to make things hard on myself, it's a WPC54GS,that's the product number.  The card is a G with Speed Booster, I believe the chipset is called "Afterburner".  I tried a program called "Driver Loader", a program put out by, that is supposed to have the ability to load G drivers.  I had to get the dpkg commands reinstated, and I did.  I  installed DriverLoader, but it failed to fully install due to the fact that DSL is missing part of the Kernel that is necessary, and that opens up an entirely new problem that I don't feel that I should have to solve.  I'm not a linux guru, but I'm sufficient.
I need a driver solution, or a new approach at ndiswrapper.  When I load the driver w/ ndiswrapper, and "ndiswrapper -l" it lists wlan0 through wlan9 or so and they all say not connected. Then it says that the drivers are installed at the end of the list.  It's quite confusing.  I followed all the ndiswrapper instructions in other posts, and I can't really consult others on the net b/c they'll say use driverloader, which I can't do b/c DSL is missing a few things that I can't replace.
!The Cl@p!

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