Now what?Forum: Networking Topic: Now what? started by: Del Posted by Del on Nov. 13 2005,09:46
Howdy y'all. I recently got this laptop, and of course, then I want wireless networking (cause I spend too much time at coffee shops, and I only have dialup at home). So I bought a card (Belkin Wireless G Notebook Card f5d7010 ver.5000), fired DSL, and started tweaking. Here's what's happened so far (not copy-pasting cause the laptop's not online yet):# ndiswrapper -i /<path_to_mydriver>/<mydriver>.inf # ndiswrapper -l blkwgn hardware present # modprobe ndiswrapper # iwconfig lo no wireless extensions wlan0 ieee 802.11b blah blah blah So, I assume this worked. The crappy part is I don't have wireless nothing at home, so I don't know if it's actually worked yet, or if I have to do something else, or what (hence this post's title). I'd like to get this set up as much as possible at home before I go carting it around. Which brings me to my first question: What now? After that, here's the second question: Having never done this before, what is it I do when I get to the local freakin Starbucks/GFE/whatever? Thanks in advance for any help, and thanks in the present for reading my droning. Posted by adssse on Nov. 13 2005,16:32
I dont have the same card but also needed ndiswrapper to get mine working. I went through the same steps with ndiswrapper that you did. I than went to system->net setup->wlcardconfig and set up the network name, key and so on. I than had to go to system->net setup->netcardconfig and choose the device (wlan0) and answer yes. Hope this helps.As far as what to do at the coffee shop. You will probably have to change the network name and possibly enter an encryption key or whatever settings they use. They should have info available there as to what settings you will need. |