Compaq Armada 110

Forum: Laptops
Topic: Compaq Armada 110
started by: coolabhi800

Posted by coolabhi800 on Aug. 02 2006,08:49
I have a Compaq Armada 110 Laptop -- Intel Coppermine Celeron....

Sometimes when i boot DSL, the screen goes blank just after the "Uncompressing Linux....."  message..... i think its not detecting my laptop's screen refresh rate correctly....

This happens only sometimes..... other times, it seems to work fine.... its not the problem with fb800x600 ... i tried all kinds of things... i am not new to linux so i tried all kinds of scripts and kernel parameters before posting this .....

Please help !!! .....


Posted by yaen on Aug. 13 2006,13:37
I own a laptop compaq armada 1700 booted with these options :
dsl vga=787 acpi=off fb800x600 noagp noscsi lang=fr
since I use this, I never had white stripes or bad pixels on my screen.

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