Acernote P120 16MB RAMForum: Laptops Topic: Acernote P120 16MB RAM started by: dellengwyn Posted by dellengwyn on Aug. 22 2006,22:12
Greetings, All,I am installing DSL on my old Acernote. It's a P120 with 16 MB of RAM and a 1GB hard drive. It originally ran (and still runs) Win98. Here is the story so far (including my current sticking point--all advice is welcome): - Following the outline of Robert Shingledecker, and using tomsrtbt, I was able to repartition my drive. I left Windows about 700MB and divided the rest into a partition of 64MB and another of about 236MB. NOTE: In order to successfully run Robert's script, I had to change the URL to a mirror site at wasn't allowing me to wget the current.iso file. - I have successfully gone through the process of executing the script and have rebooted into what I guess is the "poormans" DSL. However, I am not root, so I can't even mount a drive. Moreover, I'm a Linux novice and don't remember a lot of commands. It's learn-as-I-go time! - Robert says, in his brief guide, Note: After you get your system running from boot floppy (poorman's) then you can install again into the other partition using the standard giving you much more control of your system. Use the (L)ive CD install option as the poorman's is a virtual liveCD. Or if the other partiton is large enough then do a regular dsl-hdinstall. -And this is where I'm stuck. Where is the standard What does he mean that poorman's is a virtual liveCD? Is my 236MB partition large enough for a regual dsl-hdinstall? If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful, and I'll post all my notes here in the forum. Thanks, Dellengwyn Posted by underdog5004 on Aug. 23 2006,02:45
I'm not entirely sure, but can you boot the poormans' partition? If so, just right click->Apps->Tools->frugal install->Grub or Lilo InstallThen just answer the questions....I think -Matthew Posted by dellengwyn on Aug. 23 2006,04:46
At the moment, I'm just booting from the floppy. I read somewhere about copying the KNOPPIX directory onto the hard drive, but I haven't done that yet. Is that the next step?