IBM 560X

Forum: Laptops
Topic: IBM 560X
started by: stuart

Posted by stuart on Dec. 06 2006,20:01
Hi All,
I'd like to try DSL on my old 560X. It only has a floppy drive and the bios doesn't support booting from USB.
Which files do I need to download? There are so many options!
Please make all instructions suitable for an idiot - Me!

Posted by setecio on Dec. 06 2006,23:33
You could buy a 2.5 to 3.5 ide adapter, remove and connect the Hard Drive to a desktop and frugal install from a live CD, then move it back. Or move it to another laptop. Frugal install will fresh detect hardware on each boot - don't save the settings until it is back on your laptop.
Posted by richpearl on Dec. 08 2006,20:49
hello Stuart,

i'm using the current version, 3.1, on a TP 560X.

fwiw, i did all the following with neither a CD nor floppy. moreover, because it's a very functional win95 -- works with a wireless connection, etc -- i chose not to play with the partitions. iow, whenever i want to run Linux, i boot to dos and run a batch file.

here's the short play on how i did this:

i downloaded the ISO in win95, and used Isobuster 1.7 to extract the relevant files to my hard drive. then i downloaded Loadlin, and wrote a text file for it so i can run DSL from a command prompt.

now here's the long version, step by step:

1. downloaded DSL ISO

2. opened .iso file in Isobuster

there are 3 folders and an index.htm file.

3. extracted the Knoppix folder, as named, to the root directory.  


4. extracted the sub folder Isolinux, it's inside the Boot folder, in same manner.


5. downloaded Loadlin.exe and placed it inside the Isolinux folder

6. using a text editor, wrote a file called options.txt




7. booted to Dos and at the command prompt changed directories -- CD \Isolinux -- and then typed loadlin @options.txt to start up DSL.

and that was all it took!

fyi, a couple of notes regarding the Thinkpad 560X:

upon loading you'll be asked some questions. in answer to them you'll need to chose the XFBdev option to handle the video card for the X-server, the 560X needs frame buffering. and you must say no to USB for the mouse, and then (mileage may vary) i said yes to the next option, IMPS2.

then, after DSL loads, you?ll want to setup a dos swapfile. you'll need it to compensate for the lack of memory. the 560X is limitted to 96mb. i have 64mb and i?ve needed the swapfile to run either Firefox and/or Abiword. I also need it for Java -- right click on the empty desktop and when the dropdown DSL menu appears, choose System, Setup Dos Swapfile. make it at least 100MB.

lastly, save your settings, either to floppy -- fd0 -- or hard drive. i saved mine to my D: partition -- hda5. btw, it's the same dropdown menu as it is for the swapfile. this time use Backup/Restore.

good luck with this, i hope i?ve helped but let me know if otherwise, or if you need some clarification on what i wrote.

perhaps, too, other's might be able to suggest refinements, such as additions or subtractions for my options text file. i'm not what i'd call Linux conversant.

best to ya


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