system freeze at boot ond cardmgrForum: Laptops Topic: system freeze at boot ond cardmgr started by: seuchato Posted by seuchato on Dec. 07 2006,14:20
Hi thereI got these sweet single board computers: - AMD Am5x86-WB stepping 04, 133 MHz, 32MB Ram - I installed a PC104 PCMCIA module on it, to add some more functionality. When I boot with DSL 3, it just goes all fine until PCMCIA detected, starting cardmgr Then reboots. There are some posts around which describe similar problems. However their solution is not applicable in this case. I can do the following on command line and reproduce the error systematically:
with that it reboots. So it detects the right pc104 pcmcia controller. IRQS look OK to me as there are (currently) no RS232/LPT ports activated. Do I need yet other modules before I cand invoke cardmgr? What else? greets chris Posted by roberts on Dec. 07 2006,22:55
Does the boot option pci=assign-busses help?Have you tried some of these other boot time options: pnpbios=off pci=bios Are you sure no irq conflict? one way to check is with dmesg | grep -i irq Posted by seuchato on Dec. 08 2006,20:08
Hi robertsThanks for your reply, here are the results from your suggestions: First I tested the options you suggetsted isolated, one by one >Does the boot option pci=assign-busses help? No it did not >Have you tried some of these other boot time options: >pnpbios=off neither >pci=bios neither >Are you sure no irq conflict? pretty much yes, see also below >one way to check is with >dmesg | grep -i irq
here are the kernel options and combinations I tested:
all above: no success :-[ this one boots actually
This is my /etc/pcmcia/config.opts, I left /etc/pcmcia/config untouched
if I do
dmesg lists above output still showing irq 4 and 7. Is that right? Posted by seuchato on Dec. 11 2006,23:02
Hi thereGot it resolved, thought it was worth while to feed back my experiences: Your friends are: tataaa:
After insmod i82365, demsg will show you what ports it has used. Before you continue, edit your /etc/pcmcia/config.opts correspondingly. That means : - set ports - memory - in / exclude irqs accordingly HTH chris Posted by edmastro on Jan. 03 2007,19:32
Hi Chris,I am having the same problem that you were having by not being able to boot with PCMCIA hardware detection. I can boot fine with the dsl nopcmcia commandline option, however my NIC is a pcmcia device so I need DSL to detect my NIC so i can enable networking, etc. I am kind of a linux noob so i was hoping that you could describe in just a little bit more detail how you figured out which ports are being used and how you edited your /etc/pcmcia/config.opts file. Entering
gets me:
This is what my /etc/pcmcia/config.opts file looks like:
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanks in advance! ![]() Posted by seuchato on Jan. 07 2007,19:46
Dear edmastrIn addition to my previous post my suggestion is you do have your port and memory statements wrong in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts. I had one system where DSL booted OK but no cards detected. Finally proofed to be that the right memery area was not included (IBM TP240). In my industrial single board PCs (SBC) I had both port an memory wrong. So far I did not run into IRQ problemns though. Should you have a (arrgh) win95 or later installation at hand that works with your hardware, it can give you hints hat memory and port ranges you should include in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts. That solved or at leasted shortened the seeking on one of my SBCs a great deal. definetly: if your hardware is supported by the kernel, you willl be able to use it as soon as you set the /etc/pcmcia/config.opts right. When the system finally boots. cardctl info should indicate the type of cards detected. after that you will still require to set up your nic. HTH Chris Posted by edmastro on Jan. 08 2007,22:14
Thanks for the info, Chris!I got things to work out, and in case anyone else runs into this problem, here is how I solved it. I found another < website > where a guy was trying to install a Debian-based Linux distro on a newer Dell machine and to get wireless to work via PCMCIA. I followed what he did and this is what I ended up with. Edit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts file to not include port 0x800-0x8ff. It should look like this:
Then, I edited /etc/default/pcmcia so that it looks like this:
I then rebooted with PCMCIA hardware detection (switched on by default) and it DIDN'T freeze when trying to run cardmgr!! Now I just have to figure out how to load a driver... (I am definitely a noob ![]() Hope that helps!! |