PCMCIA Freeze Up

Forum: Laptops
Topic: PCMCIA Freeze Up
started by: stevend

Posted by stevend on Oct. 31 2004,20:27

I just downloaded DSL today, and got it installed successfully. I am running an old Toshiba Satellite 1555CDS and DSL runs exponentially faster and better than Windows ever did. Here is my problem:
The computer starts up fine when a PCMCIA card is not present.
However, when I start up with one present, the computer freezes on "cardmgr[55]: executing: modprobe prism2_cs". It just sits there and does nothing. My network card is a SanDisk Pocket Pc Card which has a PCMCIA adapter and has previously worked in Windows 98.
The computer registers this card as DemarcTech
Please help me find a solution to this problem.

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