Forum: Laptops
Topic: HELP!!!
started by: neo_trio

Posted by neo_trio on Feb. 02 2005,20:57
I need deprate help... my lappy won't work. I tried too many times to get it to work! It always ends in a kernel panic... damn.

Somthing about the interupt handler...
and an "Oops"
and some other stuff.

Can you guys help me resurrect the laptop?
(I tried failsafe and DSL 2)

16MB ram, 120MHZ processor

Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 03 2005,04:50

dsl vga=normal base noicons mem=16M

at the boot prompt.

Posted by neo_trio on Feb. 03 2005,21:15
Oh, my Lord, the PC works! Thanks so much! (Now to get it to work faster and replace a CD-RW drive...)

EDIT: No, it needs work. I have installed DSL onto the HDD, but at reboot it gives me the kernel panic again.

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