Toshiba Laptop 400hmz 128ram

Forum: Laptops
Topic: Toshiba Laptop 400hmz 128ram
started by: mrnikeswsh

Posted by mrnikeswsh on April 25 2005,20:58
Hi all...I'm new here and new to DSL... (i have used mandrake in the past for several months).

I have a older laptop that I would like to get DSL working runs in failsafe but the normal install it won't proceed past the Processor.. Test.

Its reports back. Processor 0 is AMD k6 -400mhz 64kb cache...   Then NOTHING.

What is it trying to do at this point?

Also, with the

DSL NO Options... (is the correct command line?)

DSL no {USB}
or is it
or is it
DSL nousb

I tried a few and its seems to also check for USB.... Although I don't thinks its failing on USB checking...



Posted by SaidinUnleashed on April 25 2005,21:59
try "dsl failsafe" first, and see if it boots with that, then start with the no options.

noscsi and noacpi are the most commonly needed.

Posted by cbagger01 on April 25 2005,22:39
The correct syntax is:

dsl nousb nopcmcia


Posted by Mrnikeswsh on April 26 2005,23:56
nopcmcia did the trick...thanks,


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