Laptop DisplayForum: Laptops Topic: Laptop Display started by: decaf Posted by decaf on May 20 2005,17:58
Hey everyone. I am trying to run DSL on my Micron Transport Xpe Pentium 133 MMX with 48MB RAM. It boots up just fine but it hits a certain point and the screen appears to turn off. However if you look close you can still see things on the screen. If I plug an external monitor in it the external monitor works just fine. It is almost as if the laptop screen backlight is turning off. Any ideas?
Posted by cbagger01 on May 21 2005,04:23
Try booting with different graphics modes like 800x600 or 640x480For example, if you type: fb800x600 at the cd boot screen, you will use an 800x600 framebuffer resolution and driver. Or you can press the "F3" key at the boot prompt and get a list of the various framebuffer modes available for tryout. For example, type: dsl vga=785 xsetup and then choose the xfbdev Xserver from the menu. Hope this helps. Posted by me on June 03 2005,13:12
this helped me with my problem... i dunno about that guy... but thanks for fixing my problem... i gotta ask for something else though if you or someone else has a minute... is there a way to set fb800x600 as the default one? after i did a harddrive installation it was using the same resolution and stuff as the live cd chose but then after i restarted something weird happened and now only root will login with the proper resolution settings... so what file is it that i change for the other account? sorry if this gets posted twice the site gave me some weird error saying to try again... Posted by cbagger01 on June 04 2005,04:18
Log in as root.Rename (move) your /home/dsl/.xserverrc file to /home/dsl/.xserverrc.old In other words, type: mv /home/dsl/.xserverrc /home/dsl/.xserverrc.old If your username is not "dsl" then change the "dsl" into your chosed username. DSL should prompt you for xwindows settings when you next log in under your user account. Posted by me on June 04 2005,07:49
Thank you VERY much! I was able to see just enough to go do which didn't work, so when I read that I thought it'd probably just be the same problem but I tried anyway and it worked perfect.... so thanks!
Posted by lazycrapforcrap on June 07 2005,14:01
I'm having a similar problem... except I dont see anything after the kernel boot.I'm having a little problem with this old Presario 700 (AMD Athlon 4 256MB RAM) I am unable to get DSL working, the live CD boots accordingly, however once I have typed my selection or just pressed enter, I get nothing. A blank screen... ok that qualifies as something. But nevertheless a blank screen. I allowed it to boot for 4 hours and still no reaction. Not even a light from the caps lock key, nothing. Tryed "dsl 2", "dsl toram", "dsl failsafe", 3 "fb" modes, and dsl vga=788. Just tried "dsl vga=normal" and it tells me "Ok, booting the kernel." but thats as far as it gets (which is the furthest I have gotten). Which tells me it could be a video issue. But at this point I have no reaction from the the lappy. Booting from floppy image gets same results, and my bios wouldn't even consider a boot from a USB device "meh!" it says. CD is fine, booted on 2 older machines (aptivas). BTW: I wonder when we can boot on a Mac machine. Thanks for reading -lzy Posted by cbagger01 on June 07 2005,22:46
That is bad news.FYI, the boot command for failsafe is: failsafe not: dsl failsafe Posted by lazycrapforcrap on June 08 2005,04:28
Whats even funnier is that I can boot with the redhat install cds, i think I'm gonna 4-mat and install lindowswill try "failsafe" ![]() thanks, lzy Posted by Tom on June 14 2005,21:20
Hey all,I'm trying to boot DSL from a cd. The boot goes fine but the GUI graphics are all messed up. I tried changing the resolutions at boot but that just jumbles everything up further. Everything up unitl the GUI loads is fine, after that its messed up. Any suggestions? Thanks Posted by Tom on June 15 2005,16:58
Ok, I figured it out. Just had to use the framebuffer fb1024x768 mode with the other setup, not Xvesa. Now it works just fine.