apt-get command not foundForum: Apt-get Topic: apt-get command not found started by: nugget Posted by nugget on May 14 2004,01:51
Ok I installed apt-get with the faq as it said but no matter how I type in apt-get I always get "bash: apt-get: command not found" every time. I have tried it normal, root, upside down, on my head, with my foot etc. nothing works. any help would be apprecited. Thanks in advance.
Posted by roberts on May 14 2004,06:53
Try dpkg-restore. And now starting with v0.7 you can dpkg-restore on the liveCD.
Posted by nugget on May 14 2004,13:18
I'm on .6.3 or whatever. I'll stay cuz its already installed on my system. Also is there a way to get GCC installed? or should I post this question in another topic?
Posted by nugget on May 18 2004,10:16
I got .7 installed now and I think apt-get works, just havent tried it out cuz I dont know what there is to install
Posted by Grim on May 18 2004,11:43
apt-cache search .* | sort | less Posted by nugget on May 18 2004,15:06
What? why do people just put a line of code on and expect you to know what it dose. I'm still a newbie at this stuff. I have not used anything debian based. Mandrake, and slackware(not too well though). My lil bro killed the mandrake machine so that one was out of the question on learning. Please explain a little more of what you mean by that string. Yes I'm learning and reading but You only get so far so fast and when people confuse you it basicly is like a reset button. Sorry if I sound mean, or flaming you but I just need to say that. Posted by praxzeus on May 23 2004,22:14
And that ladys and gentilemen is what we call a Thread-Killer.How come people always try to like help me n stuff...And then like expect me to be like ..,oh i don't know..thankful, instead of just doing a little bit of research like reading documentation on apt-get, or reading Linux 4 PotHeads 101, or even typing apt-get install and hitting the tab key just to see if its perhaps a short cut to thinking. (Now in best Andy Rooney Voice): Why is that.....? This one time..... At bandcamp..... I had a Linux Mandrake machine,.... and we needed a drum...... ![]() The afore mentioned above is an indirect QUOTE spun way out of proportion in efferts to recreate a broadcast experience that which you may normally be acustom to curtacy of your local media... Posted by ripcrd6 on May 24 2004,21:13
[QUOTE]apt-cache search .* | sort | less "apt-cache search" runs a search of packages in the apt cache (list of available pkgs), ".*" means search files of all types (.doc, .dsl, .fredspkg, in case a pkg got named with some weird extension), "|sort" is pipe the output to the sort program so the info is in a decent order, "|less" is pipe that output to the program called less so that you can read the info a screen at a time. This boys and girls has been BASH 101, please return to your studies. Posted by cbagger01 on May 24 2004,22:27
I have learned that it is possible to receive help without having even the slightest clue as to what I am doing.Since it takes the helper at least another 10 minutes to explain the meaning of the commands (and sometimes need to make 2nd and 3rd attempts after the first one fails) to a helpee, so his first hope is that the other person will just try it no-questions-asked. However, there are a couple of ways to gain a better understaning. (1) Ask nicely. Usually the person who gave you the quick answer will explain in additional detail if prompted. (2) Try the Linux "Man Pages". These pages are text manuals that explain how a Linux command works and what the meaning of the options and symbols that follow the command name. If you are connected to the Internet, you can use the Man function that was provided on the recent versions of DSL. After running the Net Man program, just type in the name of the command and you will get some information about it. For example: "apt-cache", "sort", and "less" all have informational man pages. If you want a webpage based man page, use Google and type "man programnamehere" for your search. For example, apt-cache: < http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/apt-cache.8.html > Sort: < http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/sort.1.html > Less: < http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/less.1.html > Good Luck. Posted by Grim on May 25 2004,04:44
See, this is what I get for being nice. I tell you, succinctly, how to do exactly what you wanted done, and I get grief for it. This is why I've changed my sig, yet again. So, to go around the mountain, as you prefer, I'll answer your question... < Debian history >--DSL comes from Knoppix, and Knoopix, in turn, comes from Debian. This makes Debian DSL's grandfather or something. Here you can read about Debian's humble beginnings and founder Ian Murdock and how all of this came to be. < Debian Package management quick start guide >--Since DSL is ultimately a Debian derivative, it has inherited it's package management, Dpkg. There are user friendly front-ends, dselect (questionably user friendly), apt (user friendly) and the newcomer synaptic (*baa* *baa* -click-click-click- *baa* *baa*). < Apt HOWTO >--If you want to have a deeper understanding of how to use apt, this will get your hands dirty on the nuts and bolts of maintaining a Debian-like system. < Damn Small Apt Walkthrough, Using Apt with Damn Small Linux >--A DSL-specific HOWTO detailing the basics of Apt. < Debian FAQ wiki >--Technically, it's the FAQ for users on #debian at freenode. It answers most of the mind-numbingly repetitive questions asked by new users, like you for instance. < Debian Sid FAQ >--True, you're not going to be running Sid with DSL, it does explain the differences between the tracks (stable, testing, unstable and experimental) and why you should and shouldn't use each. < Knoppix FAQ >--While DSL is ultimately a Debian derivative, it's roots lie closer to Knoppix as it's primary purpose is as a liveCD. This FAQ is sorted by the frequency of which the same questions are asked by new users, much like you. Now, armed with all of the above information, sift through all of that shit and find the simple command apt-cache search .* | sort | less.
I especially like how you linked to DSL's front page, you know, in case somebody in this forum was wondering where they might find out more information about DSL. Of course, you could've been linking the main page to remind the Luit and Feather users which forum they were on, but I think I've already beat that horse way into the ground. Somebody mark this thread sticky. I'm done answering questions for awhile. Posted by nugget on May 25 2004,13:22
OMG becasue someone says one thing you dont like you decide to not talk, mabye it will help us out. I had no clue what that line of text was What do you expect out of me. I'm a newbie still, yes I will say it, but that dosent mean you should go off on me for asking for a lil bit more input than a line of text. That could be one of the reasons questions get asked over and over again, someone dosnet understand it then ask again, hoping to get a lil bit more in depth answer then they get bitched at for asking it again.
Posted by Incredulous on May 25 2004,20:43
I think that the only thing that will help you has two barrels and goes click when you pull the trigger. Posted by nugget on May 26 2004,12:58
So I can shoot you?