Posted: Jan. 19 2006,23:48 |
I all, I got what I think to be a possible (and partial) answer related to our translation's problem(s):
1. strg + A on a german keyboard with dsl 2.1 on Live-CD or installed on HD (frugal) works through VNC viewer when I try to manipulates files on my other computer (winxp); I just confirm the precedent post of our friend; I don't know why it didn't work on my computer, but now everything is fine;
2. strg + mouse-click on a german keyboard with dsl 2.1 on Live-CD or installed on HD (frugal) doesn't work through VNC viewer when I try to manipulate 3 or 4 files on my other computer (winxp) instead of manipulate all of them; after spending time in browsing the forum(s) and the net, it appears to me that european keyboard have dead keys when using DSL; so that keys' combinations won't always work; has it something to do with xmodmap, as I believe??; I am not competent enough;
3. in dillo and firefox, it is possible to get things working perfectly when typing accents or diachronical signs in a browser window; it depends on the encoding code used with the bowser; europeans can use "West-ISO-8859-1" in the "View" menu of each browser; it works great;
4. in OpenOffice, it is possible to copy and paste some german or french text (with diachronical signs or accents) in Writer (f.ex.); but trying to copy and paste a text translated from english to german/french with systran online, it appears to me that neither diachronical signs, nor accents has been translated; they appear as "?" or "??"; again, browsing formums and the web didn't give me a satisfying result; some people says that OpenOffice bugs; but if so, why the first copy/paste works and not the second?; second, some says to change one option in writer related to the support of html code; I did it (and also installed truetype fonts), but same result; third, DSL doesn't support UTF-8, as I believe; however, it seems strange to me, because DSL based on knoppix which very well supports all the described operations here; so, I am completely out. I can't use DSL profitably without these features working... yours z