
Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: Jan. 2006 |
Posted: Jan. 26 2006,12:38 |
For a couple of weeks now i have been thinking of setting up a nice stand-alone server for my little website, and an FTP server. One problem i faced was that the computer i was planning on running the server isn't all that fast, so i didn't want to run Windows on it. I googled around a bit and decided to give linux a try, but it had to be a graphical system (i dont think learning linux without a graphical interface is all that easy). My choice was the Feroda system (a friend of mine once told me this is a stable and easy to use system). So i installed it on my little computer, and i was a bit shocked by the time it took to install everything.... it took bloody ages! I had to let it cook overnight and in the morning I found myself working on a sluggish 3 gigabyte linux distro and i was completely clueless on where to start! And trust me, when you have no idea what you can do with 'linux' and how, 3GB is a lot to work through. Another point is that the fedora system in my opinion was just to slow to be of any use as a server..... so I once more gave google a try for a small, stable distro that could do all I want it to do... and that's how I found DSL....
I have to say that im very pleased I found it! It runs smooth on my PC, and i found it quite easy to work with. The DSL website and the Wiki-section gave me enough info to get the hang of this graphical version of linux a bit and i found some nice general howtos on 'premissions', 'directory structure' and other nice linux knowhow on the net, and after messing about for a couple of hours i got DSL set up almost like i want! I managed to change the configuration so the FTP, webserver, SSH, Edna and the VNC server now all start at boot! I can now upload my website over my home network by FTP, listen my MP3s from school, change some settings on DSL by VNC, all from behind any windows or linux system!
This distro is genious! If I can get it working like this then anyone can, and its small size means it will run on older machines without any problems! I now also carry DSL around on my USB stick, so i always have my very own private OS wherever i go!
Great distribution, keep it up!
Here are some pictures of my nice new server
*)Please forgive my terrible english, im Dutch