
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: July 2006 |
Posted: July 25 2006,00:32 |
Hello, I'm having trouble booting DSL on both my old (Windumb 95) and new (Windumb XP) comps. (windumb shows how much I dislike microsuck products ) After pressing <enter> at the prompt (where it says to press said key to continue, or press F2-3 for boot options), it begins to boot, then I get this error:
Quote | "You passed an undefined mode number. Press <enter> to view video modes, <space> to continue, or wait 30 seconds." |
Then, I either press <space> or wait. It then continues to boot, then I get this error:
Quote | "cloop: read error at pos x in file cd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX x bytes lost." | (where x is numbers)
THEN, it continues to boot, and I get this error:
Quote | "INIT: PANIC: Segmentation Violation at x! Sleeping for 30 seconds." |
(where x is a combination of letters and numbers)
And after 30 seconds, the error repeats. I get the same errors when booting on my XP comp (which is around 1-2 years old or less). I also got similar errors when trying to boot MEPIS Linux. What's the problem, and what's the solution? I'm using a CD-R, btw, along with a boot floppy.