Razor Toting Jim

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: Oct. 2004 |
Posted: Oct. 22 2004,22:04 |
Damn Small Linux really whoops the fat mans ass. The fat man being Microsoft which by the way is as short sighted as Mr Magoo's night vision. That being said I present to you how I came about using Damn Small Linux.
My first computer experience begun with windows 95. Which was nothing more then one big head ache after another. I stuck with win95 till XP came along with was a great improvement over win95. But still left much to be desired with all the security holes, virus, spyware, browser high jacks and the none ending updates and all the exploits. What a freaking mess.
Daring all this time I continued to read about Linux and depending on what information highway you was on. You either loved it or hated it. I decided to try Linux because it seemed like the way to cure my daily headaches that I was having with windows. The pain had become so bad that nothing could touch it except straight whiskey.
Of course this was no good as I was quickly becoming an alcoholic. So this Linux thing not only could possible be a cure for my headache's but also might just cure my alcohol addition.
The first Linux system I tried was Mandrake which installs easy and runs great. But it has way to much software bundled in with it. For someone new to Linux this can be frustrating trying to fine your way around. And besides all that how many damn text editor's do you really need anyway. To make a long story short while Mandrake was easy to get setup and boot in to. I had no sound and no Internet connection. So nataully after typing a million commands with no success I wiped mandrake from the hard drive.
And continued having head aches with windows for a couple of years or so. Well the next thing I know is they have Linux on live CD. No need to touch the hard drive just pop the CD in a boot in to Linux. Being an alcoholic and spending most of my money on cheap booze. I didn't really want to buy another CD set but being on dial up you damn sure don't want to download a 650.MB ISO image. All though it can be done with wget it'll take about a week or so.
Anyway you guessed it Damn Small Linux was the answer, at less then 50.MB I was thinking hey why not try this thing out. I'm glad I did it was a pleasant surprise. It's so simple to use that even a alcoholic with a headache can use this thing. It picked up all of my hardware on my old IBM 166 MHz with 32.MB ram with no problem. Sound card modem and all. All though running it from the CD ROM was kind of slow. So I installed it to my hard drive which was a no brainier and runs great with a hard drive install.
At about 50.MB you wouldn't expect such a big punch out of a small fry like Damn Small All though the software that comes with DSL is light weight it really whoops the fat man ass and does exactly what you want. I now can surf freely on the net without the worry of virus, spyware, browser high jacks and all the other bullshit that comes with windows.
If there are any windows user's out there reading this do your self a favorer and make the switch to linux today. You'll be glad you did as you experience a whole new freedom on the net.
Damn Small Linux really whoop's the fat mans ass
Razor Toting Jim